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during that time Meaning in marathi ( during that time शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

त्या काळात, तोपर्यंत,

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during that time मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्रत्ययकारी प्रतीके, संयत शब्दकळा आणि यथार्थ प्रतिमा ही त्याच्या कवितेची वैशिष्ट्ये, तोपर्यंतच्या ग्रीक कवितेत प्रस्थापित झालेल्या संकेतांपासून वेगळी होती.

तोपर्यंत ह्या पारंपारिक नृत्यात फक्त पुरुषच भाग घेत असत.

गाडीतील प्रवाशांचा वेग (वेग आणि दिशा) हा जोपर्यंत गाडीच्या वेगाइतका होत नाही तोपर्यंत, त्यांना वरील त्वरण-धक्क्यांचा अनुभव येतो.

जोपर्यंत सर्व खेळाडूंना विष देऊन होत नाही आणि अमृत द्यायला खेळाडू शिल्लक रहात नाही तोपर्यंत खेळ चालू राहतो.

तोपर्यंत मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाच्या मूळ शाखेतील सर्व बॅरिस्टर वकील इंग्रज होते.

कव्वा (केव्हा), कास (कशाला), खट्टे (कोठे), गसली (गेल्यावर्षी), तण्ण (तेव्हा), तवरस्क (तोपर्यंत), चकोट (चांगले), बळ्यान (खोटे), माज (मला), मिय्या (मी) असे शब्द पूर्वविभागात दिसतात.

जोपर्यंत हा जीव आत्मसाक्षात्काराने हा देह आणि इंद्रिये केवळ आभास आहेत असा निश्चय करून स्वतंत्र होत नाही, तोपर्यंत “हा पुरुष आणि ही स्त्री” हे द्वैत संपत नाही.

जोपर्यंत पाटील शेतकरी कामकरी पक्षात होते, तोपर्यंत शेतकरी कामकरी पक्ष हा संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रमुख राजकीय विरोधी पक्ष होता.

तोपर्यंत दाभाडे यांच्या घराचा पूर्ण ताबा घेतात.

कारण तोपर्यंत या संघात केवळ पुरुषच होते.

त्यांची व्यावसायिक कारकीर्द ४० व्या वर्षी सुरू झाली कारण ती तोपर्यंत त्या कुटुंबात व्यस्त होत्या.

पुरुष मंडळींना निरोप कळवून ते परत येईपर्यंत दोन-तीन दिवस लागणार होते तोपर्यंत जंगलतोड अटळ होती.

during that time's Usage Examples:

of the 27 years since 1859 and won five of the six elections held during that time, but would only be in power for three of the next nineteen years.

Also, during that time, Murdoch would partially wrestle with All Japan Pro-Wrestling, feuding with Giant Baba, The Destroyer, Genichiro Tenryu and Jumbo Tsuruta.

He rejected offers to be transformed back into a man and seems to like being a tree during that time.

The geologic formations surrounding Falls Creek have been dated to the Ordovician and contain many fossils of organisms that lived during that time.

intervening in the role of investor to provide funds in the repo markets; the overnight repo rate spiked above an unprecedented 6% during that time, which.

Pajeta Jr, the town's vice mayor during that time.

found to be a technical artifact induced by the feature of strong acidic fixatives used during that time (e.

Starring Arjun Sarja in the lead role, the film was made with a higher budget in Tamil cinema during that time, won positive response and became a blockbuster.

Both of the buildings were reconstructed during that time with a new design and supervised by the local engineer Gobinda Chandra Roy.

Saria can't understand the question as it was in Spanish, which was foreign and unknown to everyone in the area during that time.

It has hosted many legendary blues performers during that time, and is now one of the most prominent blues venues in the region.

formal terms used and proposed between 2007 and 2010 included reference to orgasm, there was during that time a significant majority objection to its use.

months of growth, but due to the normal development of organisms of putrescence during that time, such specimens could cause gastro-enteritis.


temporary, parttime, underemployed, odd-job, half-time, irregular,


full-time, impermanence, stable, permanent, nonworker,

during that time's Meaning in Other Sites