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dunne Meaning in marathi ( dunne शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


ढिगारा, पर्वत,

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dunne मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

स्तूप या वास्तूप्रकाराचे स्वरूप मृतदेहाच्या दफनावर उभारलेला मातीचा ढिगारा एवढे साधे होते.

या पक्ष्याच घरटे म्हणजे पाणवनस्पतीचा तरंगणारा ढिगारा असतो.

त्याचप्रमाणे, क्रॉस कंट्रीमध्ये धावपटू विविध लॉग, मातीचे ढिगारा आणि लहान प्रवाह यासारख्या नैसर्गिक अडथळ्यांमुळे अडथळा आणू शकतात - हे आधुनिक घटनेच्या स्पोर्टिंग मूळचे प्रतिनिधित्व करते.

जमिनीत पुरून त्यावर दगड व मातीचा ढिगारा रचत.

चैत्य या शब्दाचा अर्थ ढिगारा असा आहे.

हिमस्खलनात शेकडो मीटर रुंद, लांब व कित्येक मीटर जाडीचा बर्फाचा ढिगारा, कित्येक कि.

त्या घराच्या राखेचा ढिगारा पाहून हे काव्य त्यांना सुचले.

dunne's Usage Examples:

Wheeler and Wilson fired him and dunned him for the lost property.

Poisoning waiter Don Guy as Horse Inspector Jeevan Handunnetti as Wedding officiator Nanda Wickramage as Buddhist monk Anusha Damayanthi in cameo appearance.

who make the world fairer for their ideal lives, and women who should be palled in the dunnest smoke of hell"; and in the midst of all this ghostly throng.

Hieronymus Osius devoted a short Neo-Latin poem to it in which the sheep is dunned for “certain measures of wheat”, as Roger L"Estrange termed it in his own.

as the city would not do it, and when I got the telephone the company dunned me for more than a year to pay for the poles from Granville Street down.

According to an interview on francisdunnery.

Si Lunfa was subsequently dunned for all the costs of the military expedition against him, as a quid pro.

" "Then we shall be dunned in the teeth no more by scoffing Ishmalites," says Tomkinson, with apparent.

its vitality and resources by national political action committees that dunned the movement"s true believers endlessly for money to support its candidates.

standard High German also: Hein Brand[t]) took the defaulting duke to task and dunned him in a way the duke considered insulting.

Support of the maha sangha that was a pillar of strength for Mayadunne and Tikiri Bandara to mobilize the public support for.

taken the defaulting duke, during his visit in Hamburg in 1410, to task and dunned him in a way the duke considered insulting.

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