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dullest Meaning in marathi ( dullest शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निस्तेज, ढगाळ, माटो, निर्जीव, दुष्ट, कटमट, अस्ताव्यस्त, मुका, सेरेबेलम, मूर्ख, कंटाळवाणा, बेशुद्ध, सावकाश, दाबले, उदासीन, कोरडे,


ढगाळ, माटो, निर्जीव, दुष्ट, कटमट, अस्ताव्यस्त, सेरेबेलम, मूर्ख, कोरडे, कंटाळवाणा, बेशुद्ध, सावकाश, दाबले, उदासीन, मुका,

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dullest मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

थोडक्यात फॅशन- प्रदर्शन हा केवळ एक व्यापारी स्वरूपाचा कार्यक्रम व म्हणून तो कंटाळवाणा होऊ नये, यासाठी त्यास विविध प्रकारे मनोरंजक स्वरूप देण्याचा प्रयत्न केला जातो.

देव, असुर ऋषी इत्यादिकांच्या कथा यात असल्या तरी या वाङ्‌मयातील बराचसा भाग रूक्ष आणि कंटाळवाणा वाटू शकतो.

धूमकेतूच्या सभोवतालच्या अतिशय कंटाळवाणा वातावरणात कोमा म्हणतात आणि सूर्याच्या किरणोत्सर्गाच्या दबावामुळे कोमावर शक्ती बळकट होते आणि सौर वायु एक प्रचंड शेपटी बनविण्याचे कारण बनवते, जे सूर्यापासून दूर होते.

dullest's Usage Examples:

of then was characterized by a total cultural void and by "the dullest conformism, in which the artists and intellectuals being honored were only retarded.

protector of the nation, but defense of private interests and of the dullest, deafest, most miserable caste that exists in Italy.

wrote the film "is fashioned from a pattern whose every turn and twist the dullest fan can easily anticipate.

St Raven"s Edge: this route was described by Alfred Wainwright as the "dullest way up".

their possible values, are ordered from sharpest (highest-pitched) to dullest (lowest-pitched): Tongue shape: grooved, alveolo-palatal, palato-alveolar.

In the show, The Daily Crucible, the dullest newspaper in Fleet Street, is suddenly taken over by media magnate Terence.

running a shop would be the "dullest activity possible", Recettear"s shopkeeping is a "strangely fulfilling activity", with some deep gameplay aspects.

Conversely, Willa Paskin of Salon described it as "the season’s dullest episode, with the story and the characters feinting one way to go another.

squads and their landowning allies, declaring that they were “the dullest, deafest, most miserable cast that exists in Italy”.

" One reviewer called it "probably Corman"s dullest film.

5 stars out of 4 and called it a traffic accident masquerading as a movie with one of the dullest villains imaginable.

The Bulletin summed up many people's view when it editorialised, Among the men who can claim by merit or accident, to be front-rank politicians of Australia, Lyne stands out conspicuously as almost the dullest and most ordinary.

another of Alex childhood friends who is believed to be the dullest and greediest resident in Solsidan.


leaden, lackluster, arid, dreary, colorless, humdrum, drab, colourless, unanimated, lusterless, spiritless, bovine, desiccated, dullness, lustreless, heavy, lacklustre, monotonous, desiccate,


colorful, animated, colourful, spirited, lively,

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