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duke Meaning in marathi ( duke शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सरदार, ड्यूकचे शीर्षक,


राजा, प्रमुख,

duke मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

इंग्लंडचा त्यावेळचा राजा चार्ल्स दुसऱ्याचे हे नाव त्यावेळी दिले गेले होते.

आठव्या पिढीतील राजा वीरकोच याने सर्व जन - जातींना साम्राज्यात सामावून घेतले.

|align"center"|सालियन फ्रॅंकांचा राजा (Roi des Francs saliens).

शाहूंनी कोल्हापूर संस्थानात संगीत, चित्रपट, चित्रकला, लोककला आणि कुस्ती या क्षेत्रांतील कलावंतांना राजाश्रय देऊन त्यांना प्रोत्साहन देण्याचे महत्कार्य केले.

१९९९ रोजी तो जॉर्डनचा राजा बनला.

१८७९ मध्ये या राज्याला जपानच्या साम्राज्याने आक्रमण करून वेढा दिला आणि शेवटचा राजा शॉ ताई यांना टोकियो येथे जाण्यास भाग पाडले.

रितसर प्रायश्चित्थी राजांनी घेतले.

मुस्लिम राजांच्या ऐरेममध्ये आवडती राणी शोधण्यासाठी राण्यांची सौंदर्यस्पर्धा आयोजित केली जात असे.

नेपाळमधील नद्या राजा शुद्धोधन (पाली: सुद्धोदन) हे इ.

देवी सतीने त्यांच्या दुसऱ्या जन्मात पार्वती असे नाव घेऊन राजा हिमाचल आणि राणी मैना यांच्या घरात मुलीच्या रुपात जन्म घेतला.

तो अयोध्येचा संस्थापक राजा इक्ष्वाकु याच्या शंभर पुत्रांपैकी बारावा पुत्र होता.

| राजाराम शंकर तायडे.

येथे महाभारतकाळात वैराट राजाची नगरी होती म्हणून या जागेला वैराट असे नाव पडले, अशी आख्यायिका आहे.

duke's Usage Examples:

After Ernest"s death in 1595, Matthias became the oldest among the archdukes.

Suniefred is probably the same person as the "chief cupbearer and duke" of the same name in the canons of the Thirteenth Council of.

the 15th century onwards, all Holy Roman Emperors but one were Austrian archdukes and with the acquisition of the Bohemian and Hungarian crown lands in.

The museum also has well-preserved sarcophaguses of the dukes of Legnica and Brzeg.

November 9 - Archduke Charles evacuates Madrid.

History In 1528, the Holy Roman Empire annexed the Bishopric of Utrecht, and Emperor Charles V immediately ordered the construction of a castle in Utrecht, not only to protect the domain from invasion by the duke of Guelders, but also to retain control over the city's unruly population.

He was succeeded by his son Augustus Christian, who received parts of the extinct Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst in 1793 and was elevated to a duke (Herzog) by Napoleon in 1806.

power was weakened in Hungary, and the country was ruled by local warlords lording over smaller principalities and dukedoms.

between 22 Brabantine cavalrymen loyal to Albert VII, Archduke of Austria, garrisoned in "s-Hertogenbosch, and 22 French cavalrymen serving in the army of the.

ProgenySeymour's children were all born long before the dukedom came to him:Edward Seymour, 9th Duke of Somerset (2 January 1717 "ndash; 2 January 1792)Webb Seymour, 10th Duke of Somerset (3 December 1718 "ndash; 15 December 1793)Lord William Seymour (1724 "ndash; 5 November 1800), m.

Marmaduke Surfaceblow, a fictional engineer who solves difficult problems in ingeniously simple ways.

World War I During WWI, Serbs in Bosnia were often blamed for the outbreak of the war, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and were subjected to persecution by the Austro-Hungarian authorities, including internment and looting of their businesses, by people who were instigated to ethnic violence.




lowborn, female aristocrat,

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