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due to मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

३) कामाच्या वेळेत ९ वाजल्यापासून संध्याकाळी ७ वाजेपर्यंत दर तासाला ही प्रणाली तासाभरात घडलेल्या आदान प्रदान व्यवहारांची माहिती घेते, प्रत्येक बँकेला एकूण देय रक्कम किंवा येणे रक्कम किती याचा निव्वळ आकडा काढून त्याप्रमाणे हिशोब ठेवते.

जेथे प्रीमियम इन्‍शुअर झालेल्‍या व्यक्तीच्या जीवनभरादरम्यान मृत्यूपर्यंत निरंतर देय असतात.

"फोमा गोर्देयेव" (कादंबरी).

इं देयर वेल्बींग एंड प्रॉस्पेरिटी अलोन लाइज़ माई हैप्पीनेस।.

घेतलेले कर्ज किंवा व्यवसायाने इतरांकडून प्राप्त केले फायदे याच्या मोबदल्यात रक्कम देण्याची जबाबदारी म्हणजे देयता होय.

२) बँकेत परस्पर नोंदवले गेलेले व्यवहार - व्याजाची रक्कम खात्यावर जमा होणे, खात्यावर परस्पर जमा किंवा नावे होणारे लाभांश, विमा रक्कम, सेवा शुल्क इत्यादी व्यवहार, खातेदाराच्या सूचनेप्रमाणे शोधन केली गेलेली वीज , दूरध्वनी देयके, कर्जाचे हप्ते इत्यादी, अनादर झालेलेल धनादेश अथवा विपत्र (बिल).

देय खात्यांच्या बाबतीत द्विनोंदी लेखापद्धतीत खालील नियम पाळला जातो.

बेअरर चेक : हा धनादेश धारकाला देय असतो.

७) देय विपत्र पुस्तक ( इंग्लिश : Payable Journal ).

स्टार नेम्स, देयर लोर ॲंड लिजेंड, रिचर्ड ॲलन, न्यू यॉर्क, डोव्हर.

‘यवणस चिटस गतानं भोजण मटपो देयधम सघे’ याचा अर्थ असा की, गता देशाचा यवन (ग्रीक) चित (चैत्र) याने या संघास हा भोजनमंडप दान दिला आहे.

(प्रदेयागमा) अशा दोन पदव्या दिल्या जात असत.

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Originally the Casino was linked to Marino House by a tunnel, although this has been blocked off due to building works in the area.

The initial name change was due to its reference to sodomy, as well as a possible religious reference to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The actor said the reason for his departure was due to a breakdown in communication with executive producer Shonda Rhimes, his character's lack of screen time, and his decision to come out as gay.

A fixed blade knife, sometimes called a sheath knife, does not fold or slide, and is typically stronger due to the tang, the.

Commenting on the loss of 1,500 workers due to concerns over illegal immigration Charney said It broke our efficiencies and generated a situation where we were late delivering garments.

, due to a miscarriage or feticide) that is developed enough to require dilation of the cervix for its extraction.

Many other cable providers were reluctant to offer Encore in its early years due to concerns that it would cannibalize subscriptions of other premium services.

In popular culture and commemorationDespite lack of contemporary evidence of McCorley's actual involvement in the United Irishmen rebellion, he became a major figure in nationalist-republican martyrology due to a song by Ethna Carbery called Roddy McCorley, written in the 1890s.

The following week it was reported that Megrahi was likely to be released within a few days on compassionate grounds due to terminal prostate cancer, although the Scottish Government dismissed this as complete speculation; meanwhile, a United States official said that the U.

It has also been referred to as a "double mutant", due to the presence of mutations E484Q and L452R; this moniker has been.

com was threatened with legal action by the controversial UK law firm Law for defamation, due to comments made by forum users on Slyck.

Post-encounter history Many of the remnant Potatuck amalgamated with survivors of the Weantinock, Mohegan and other indigenous people, after losses due to epidemics and warfare from European colonization pressures.


air-to-ground missile, missile,


distant, open,

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