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drug addict Meaning in marathi ( drug addict शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

व्यसनी, अंमली पदार्थांचा व्यसनी,


व्यसनी, अंमली पदार्थांचा व्यसनी,

drug addict मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

व्यसनी व्यक्तीच्या जीवनावर खालील प्रकारचे दुष्परिणाम होऊ शकतात.

निकोटीन व्यसनी व्यक्तींना अल्झायमर्स, स्किझोफ्रेनिया मेंदूशी संबंधित रोग होण्याची शक्यता जास्त असते.

नट म्हणजे अशिक्षित, दुराचारी व व्यसनी माणूस अशी तेव्हाची समजूत.

सस्तन प्राणी दारूचे व्यसन, ज्याला दारू निर्भरता पण म्हणतात एक निष्क्रिय करुन देणारे व्यसनी विकार आहे ज्याला बाध्यकारी आणि अनियंत्रित दारूच्या व्यसनाच्या रूपात निरूपित केले जाते जेव्हा की पिण्यारेच्या स आरोग्यावर वाइट प्रभाव पड़तो आणि त्याच्या जीवनात नकारात्मक सामाजिक परिणाम पाहिला मिळतो.

उद्दाम आणि व्यसनी असलेला मलयगंधर्व एकदा जलक्रिडा करीत असताना नारद तिथे आला पण मलयगंधर्वाने त्याच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष केले.

’फक्त आजचा दिवस’ या विधानाने अनेक व्यसनी लोकांची आयुष्ये बदलून गेली.

जॉन बाराव्याचे वैयक्तिक जीवन व्यसनी व व्यभिचारी होते.

drug addict's Usage Examples:

Baxter Charitable Trust, which supported causes he had supported, for example prison reform and drug addiction rehabilitation programmes, and ensured that all proceeds of his work went to the trust.

She eventually became addicted to cocaine, a drug addiction that lasted for nearly two decades.

Composition The song lyrics tell the stories of several people from a town and the problems they faced growing up (unplanned pregnancy, unemployment, drug addiction, and suicide).

Malangas, unfortunately is infested with drug pushers and drug addicts for many years now.

Ferrer led a tour of the station, showing its use by drug addicts, and its state of disrepair.

During his major league career, Wiggins struggled with drug addiction, which resulted in several arrests and suspensions from baseball.

The subject of the Eminem song is markedly different from the Martika song, concerning violence and murder linked to rap music rather than drug addiction.

treatment was also administered to alcoholics, drug addicts, homosexuals and masturbators, and it generated a so strong fear of the treatment, that most patients.

Dalrymple also maintains that it is "the sheerest sentimentality to see drug addicts as the victims of an illness" and that.

left to right: an obese, unhygienic man calls his opponents racists and sexists; a drug addict curses the names of God and Mary; a feminist with sagging.

television series, featuring Adam Goldstein, better known as DJ AM, intervening to help people struggling with drug addiction.


opium taker, junky, opium addict, heroin addict, withdrawer, cocaine addict, junkie, binger, addict, crack addict,


unaddicted, free, independent, unconditional, unsupported,

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