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drop out Meaning in marathi ( drop out शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बाहेर पडा, अदृश्य,

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drop out मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तरीही ब्रहम् ग्रह सिद्ध होत नसेल तर अदृश्य गोलार्धा चा उपयोग करावा.

त्यामुळे विकासविषयक संशोधन आणि धोरणे यामध्ये अदृश्य राहिलेल्या दिसतात.

त्या अदृश्य असतात असे प्रेक्षकांनी मानायचे.

अदृश्य गोलार्ध – विषमरास.

याच समस्येची दुसरी अदृश्य बाजु देखील आहे.

) त्याने 1866 मध्ये आपले कार्य प्रकाशित केले, अदृश्य "घटक" प्राणवायूच्या प्रादुर्भावांचे निर्धारण करणे.

अदृश्यास्त्राच्या योगानें सुवर्णाचा वर्ण झांकून गेला; परंतु त्या पर्वतावर शंकर राहिले.

१७/पी होम्स ची महत्ता ४ ते ५ पर्यंत वाढून नंतर काही आठवड्यांच्या कालावधीत अदृश्य बनला.

द ग्रेट हाईट्स – होम्सच्या जीवनातील अदृश्य खंड .

अशा वेदनाना अदृश्य (फँटम पेन्स) म्हणतात.

पहिल्या आणि दुसऱ्या पर्वांमधील काळ (१८९१ ते १८९४) – म्हणजेच “द फायनल प्रॉब्लेम”मधील त्यांच्या मृत्यूपासून “द ॲडव्हेंचर ऑफ द एम्टी हाउस” मधील त्यांच्या परतीपर्यंतच्या काळाला होम्सच्या चाहत्यांनी “द ग्रेट हायॅटस” – म्हणजेच होम्सच्या अदृश्यतेचा काळ - असे नाव दिले आहे.

मालेगाव बॉंबस्फोटामागील अदृश्य हात (विक्रम भावे).

डॉल्टन आणि त्याचे समकालीन विश्वास ठेवत होते की, ते निसर्गाचे मुलभूत कण होते आणि अशाप्रकारे ग्रीक शब्द अ‍ॅटोमस ज्याचा अर्थ अदृश्य, वरुन त्या कणांना अणु असे नामकरण केले परंतु शतकाच्या शेवटी भौतिक शास्त्रज्ञांनी शोधुन काढले की, अणु हा काही निसर्गाचा मुलभूत कण नाही.

drop out's Usage Examples:

and second team All-Pro slots combined, and Pro Bowl selections often drop out, allowing a lesser player to also receive the honor by default, which does.

a time-consuming and frustrating experience for the prospect, and for that reason many drop out of the investigation process at this stage.

4 percentage points more likely to drop out of university in the first two years of an undergraduate course than those.

attended Moors Charity School, a preparatory school at Hanover, New Hampshire from August 30, 1813 to August 24, 1816, He then attended a college in Boston but was forced to drop out after a minor illness he failed to properly attend to which became a major one (he did not attend Dartmouth as has often been claimed).

The team was able to finish out the season on the road, but had to drop out of the league while the city attempted to recover.

His late graduation was due to the fact he had to drop out of school from time to time to earn the money needed to graduate.

He claimed that the MCAS was causing students to drop out of high school, and expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that public high school students must pass the MCAS to graduate.

south, beech trees tend to drop out and are replaced by chestnut oak or basket oak (Quercus michauxii) and laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia).

Students who drop out of school in the United States are.

A similar case occurred in the 1994 Los Angeles Marathon when veteran marathoner Paul Pilkington was paid to set a fast pace then drop out.

Contacting franchisees can be a time-consuming and frustrating experience for the prospect, and for that reason many drop out of the.

Voskrensk was forced to drop out of league activities due to financial constrains.


throw in, fall by the wayside, throw in the towel, drop by the wayside, quit, chuck up the sponge, give up,


enter, continue, take office, arrive, stay,

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