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dressed Meaning in marathi ( dressed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

व्यवस्था, कपडे, सजवलेले,


व्यवस्था, कपडे, सजवलेले,

dressed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

चित्रपट चित्रपटातील अथवा नाटकातील पात्रांच्या वेशभूषा (कपडे) ठरविणाऱ्या व्यक्तिला वेशभूषाकार म्हटले जाते.

उबदार कपडे वापरण्यासाठी लोकर वापरली जाते.

एकदा त्यांच्या एका मंत्र्याने लाच घेतल्याशिवाय दत्तक घेण्याच्या मंजुरीस नकार दिला, तेव्हा अहिल्यादेवींनी दत्तकविधानाचा कार्यक्रम स्वतः प्रायोजित करून, रीतसर कपडे व दागिन्यांचा आहेर दिला.

इतिहास: विद्येची देवता असलेल्या श्री सरस्वती देवीच्या कृपेने आपल्याला अनेक कला अवगत झाल्या अशी कौशल्याबाईंची श्रद्धा होती म्हणून ,अशा विदयेच्या देवतेची अखंड सेवा घडावी ,असा वेध त्यांच्या मनाने घेतला व आपल्या मृत्यूनंतर दागिने,कपडे,आपल्या बरोबर येणार नाहीत तर आपला परमार्थच आपल्याबरोबर येतो या जाणिवेतून त्यांनी मंदिर स्थापन केले.

पण स्तनांचा उठाव दाखवणं समाजमान्य नसेल तर त्या ठिकाणी खूप सैल कपडे किंवा उभार दाबून टाकणारी घट्ट वस्त्रे वापरली जातात (Breast: Clothing).

ग्रामीण भागातील महिला याच पाण्याने कपडे धूत असतात.

कुका यांनी नामधार्यांना फक्त भारतीय कपडे घालून परदेशी वस्तूंवर बहिष्कार घालण्याची सूचना केली.

यामध्ये गांधीजींची भांडी, चपला, कपडे, माळ इ.

निदर्शने करणाऱ्या लोकांनी नारिंगी रंगाचे कपडे घातले होते म्हणून या क्रांतीला ऑरेंज रिव्हॉल्युशन(नारिंगी क्रांती) म्हटले जाते.

जुनी म्हातारी माणसे, त्यांचे कपडे, भाषा आणि बोलण्याची विशिष्ट ढब आपल्याला भूतकाळात घेऊन जाते.

वधूला कपडे देणे व ताली बांधणे हे विवाहसमारंभातील महत्त्वाचे विधी आहेत.

कारागृहातील कैदी दररोज ५००० कपडे तयार करतात.

अंथरूणपांघरून – अंथरण्यासाठी पांघरण्यासाठी लागणार्याथ वस्तु व इतर कपडे.

dressed's Usage Examples:

12r-57v, fencing with the longsword, 92 pictures, 37 of them with captions, showing two young men in combat, one dressed in pale red, one in blue.

Tonya suffers from kidney problems from medical problems that were never addressed when she was younger.

attention in the chamber music world from some as physically attractive, stylishly dressed women.

He dressed in rags and was known for his hilarious stumbles and falls on Broadway, television.

Anna Maria Lane (1755–1810) dressed as a man to join the Continental Army in 1776 and fight in the American Revolutionary War with her husband until 1781, later received a pension for her courage in the Battle of Germantown.

Isomorphism in the context of globalization, is an idea of contemporary national societies that is addressed by the institutionalization of world models constructed and propagated through global cultural and associational processes.

where housemates dressed as children"s characters and played a game of hide and go seek, I"Anson dressed as Little Bo Peep was called to the Diary Room and.

The Assiko is danced dressed in a simple T-shirt and a full skirt with a pronounced, billowing waistline that emphasizes hip movement.

The boys dressed as pickaninnies and the girls wore "Aunt Jemima"-style bandanas, dress seen by many blacks.

Using profits from his early business ventures, he purchased a business wardrobe that earned him the title of best dressed member of his senior class.

After the election, the boy dressed in full bishop's robes with mitre and crozier, and, attended by other boys dressed as priests, made a circuit of the town blessing the people.

Circuit judges and recorders are addressed as.

By the Papal bull Parens scientiarum (Father of the Sciences) (1231), the charter of the University of Paris, Pope Gregory IX authorised the masters, in the event of an outrage committed by anyone upon a scholar and not redressed within fifteen days, to suspend their lectures.


habilimented, clothed, attired, garmented, clad, garbed, robed, appareled,


unprocessed, bare, unsheathed, unadorned, unclothed,

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