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drearily Meaning in marathi ( drearily शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


दुःख किंवा दुःख कारणीभूत ठरते, कंटाळवाणा, त्रासदायक दुःखी दुःखी दुःखी,

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drearily मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

धूमकेतूच्या सभोवतालच्या अतिशय कंटाळवाणा वातावरणात कोमा म्हणतात आणि सूर्याच्या किरणोत्सर्गाच्या दबावामुळे कोमावर शक्ती बळकट होते आणि सौर वायु एक प्रचंड शेपटी बनविण्याचे कारण बनवते, जे सूर्यापासून दूर होते.

देव, असुर ऋषी इत्यादिकांच्या कथा यात असल्या तरी या वाङ्‌मयातील बराचसा भाग रूक्ष आणि कंटाळवाणा वाटू शकतो.

थोडक्यात फॅशन- प्रदर्शन हा केवळ एक व्यापारी स्वरूपाचा कार्यक्रम व म्हणून तो कंटाळवाणा होऊ नये, यासाठी त्यास विविध प्रकारे मनोरंजक स्वरूप देण्याचा प्रयत्न केला जातो.

drearily's Usage Examples:

the loo began to moan, blowing drearily through the hopeless streets.

Joshi has referred to the novel as "a drearily verbose and unfocussed rehashing of old themes".

Time Travelers looks and sounds great, but its gameplay is limited and drearily repetitive.

"Tynan"s film is laden down with aimless chatter, and its plot meanders drearily towards a country rave that seems curiously old-fashioned, and feels like.

unfavourable, describing Sellers "grinding his way through the rubble of a drearily routine plot" and attributed his performance in the film, different from.

Hence, Entertainment Weekly deemed it "drearily sentimental and banal" while Jon Burlingame was slightly more positive.

Although Rolling Stone panned the album upon its release in 1979, calling it "drearily obvious and stale", two years later the same magazine loved it, limiting.

In an entirely negative critique, film critic Jay Scott of The Globe and Mail said the all too familiar manipulative Star Wars-style score is the only novelty on tap in Silverado, which has a plot too drearily complicated and arid to summarize.

Joshi has referred to the novel as "a drearily verbose and unfocussed rehashing of old themes".

Girouard in The Victorian Country House, Yale University Press 1979 ("drearily asymmetrical" – the full text deserves reading).

the film as "predictable, naive and gauche" whilst Tom Milne called it "drearily unfunny".

Pitchfork gave a much more unfavorable review, describing it as a "drearily unpoetic acoustic weeper".

the practice: Before them, under the garden wall, Forward and back Went, drearily singing, the chore-girl small, Draping each hive with a shred of black.



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