drant Meaning in marathi ( drant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
पेमेंट, अनुदान, सरकारी अनुदान, उन्माद लाटया, पैसे देण्यास सहमत, दान,
प्रदान करण्यासाठी, पैसे देणे, उन्माद लाटया, परवानगी देणे, पैसे देण्यास सहमत, काळजी घ्या,
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drant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
[13] एरिक्सन पहिल्यांदा पैसे देण्याच्या ऐवजी त्यांच्या उपकरणाची स्थापना आणि देखभाल करण्यासाठी पैसे देऊन प्रथमच पैसे देण्यास सहमत झाला, ज्याने एअरटेलला ₹ 1 (1.
drant's Usage Examples:
jpg|QuadrantDetail - Polyhedral Sundial - from The Ambassadors - Holbein.
Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet and Maquis crew of the starship USS Voyager after they were stranded in the Delta Quadrant far from the rest of the Federation.
quadrantanopia Lesions that involve both cunei cause a lower altitudinal hemianopia (altitudinopia) The lower division: Loops from the lateral geniculate.
chrysanthemum, dianthus, enanthem, enanthema, exanthem, exanthematic, hydranth, hypanthium, perianth, zoanthid anthrac- coal Greek ἄνθραξ, ἄνθρακος (ánthrax.
The portion of NY"nbsp;590 between the Can of Worms and NY"nbsp;104 is part of the northeastern quadrant of the Rochester Outer Loop, a series of expressways that form a beltway around the city of Rochester.
The company also made fire hydrants for the city of Portland in the late 19th century.
Other terms for this operation include: lumpectomy, wide local excision, segmental resection, tylectomy, and quadrantectomy.
Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant.
It is located in Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B, in the District's Fourth Ward, within the northwest quadrant.
BiographyPrior to his appointment to the ABC Board, Brunton was a fortnightly columnist for The Courier-Mail from 1997–2003, a Senior Fellow at the right wing think tank, the Institute of Public Affairs, from 1995–2001, and a contributor to the conservative literary and political journal Quadrant.
quadrants contain: "Petrus", "Paulus", the Pope"s name, and the Pope"s ordinal number.
include metes and bounds, quadrant method, and use of a plat diagram.
gonophores are borne on much reduced hydranths and usually protected in a peridermal gonotheca.