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doubted Meaning in marathi ( doubted शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शंका, संकोच, संशयवादी व्हा, अविश्वास करणे, खातरजमा करण्यासाठी,


खटका, संकोच, शंका, पर्याय, चेतावणी, खात्री, फसवणूक, गोल, संकल्पनेची अनिश्चितता, अविश्वास, भ्रम, दुहेरी, अनिश्चितता,


संकोच, संशयवादी व्हा, अविश्वास करणे, खातरजमा करण्यासाठी,

doubted मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

[9 2] चित्रपटाचे पटकथालेखक हारून सोर्किन यांनी न्यू यॉर्क मॅगझिनला सांगितले, "मी सत्यतेस म्हणू इच्छित नाही, मला सांगायचे आहे की ते सांगायला हवे" आणि ते म्हणाले, "शुद्धतेबद्दल खातरजमा करण्यासाठी नेमके किती मोठे सौजन्य आहे आणि आपण सच्चा हा शत्रूचा शत्रू आहे का? "[9 3].

याचा अर्थ असा की ज्यांनी गॅलिलिओला बघितले होते, त्यांपैकी बरेचजण ह्या सत्याची खातरजमा करण्यासाठी करण्यासाठी तेव्हा जिवंत होते.

तरीदेखील किल्ली ही प्रवेशाची खातरजमा करण्यासाठीचे कमी खर्चाचे उपकरण ठरते.

doubted's Usage Examples:

This is doubted by some scholars, but it is certain that he originated from the west of Asia Minor.

He also promised to share SDI technology, a promise which Gorbachev said he doubted would be fulfilled, as the Americans would not even share oil-drilling technology.

Brian Nesbitt of The One commended the game's variety of weapons, and felt that the game will undoubtedly have the same effect on the games scene as its predecessor did over a year ago.

powerful throwing arm, his perceived profligacy with the ball and his undoubted ineptitude with the bat, with his batting and fielding being described.

heir, by his second wife, about whom the canonicity of the marriage was undoubted.

Rive was undoubtedly an adult playground where only female patrons were allowed to dance on stripper poles and the miniature Eiffel Tower statues, sometimes three or four at a time.

He was undoubtedly helped by Ronald Reagan's landslide reelection bid that year.

Film scholar Richard Bookbinder wrote in his 1982 book The Films of the Seventies the final sequence in which the armies of Hell terrorize Alison is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying interludes in seventies cinema.

They are undoubtedly devoted to us (the Soviet Union).

wine, including sherries (fino, manzanilla, oloroso, Pedro Ximénez, amontillado) which are undoubtedly the most exported and most widely available of.

This apparent pluralism cannot dissimulate the fact that Israel displays a clear and undoubtedly hierarchical pluralism.

 Russia: Foreign affairs committee member Konstantin Kosachev made a cautious statement, saying he doubted the death penalty would be carried out.

fitness for the job was questioned by a medical officer who called him "unsecure" and doubted "whether his sight was good".


indecision, mistrust, suspicion, cognitive state, disbelief, reservation, incredulity, doubtfulness, irresolution, indecisiveness, skepticism, peradventure, mental rejection, uncertainty, mental reservation, suspense, incertitude, arriere pensee, dubiety, state of mind, distrust, misgiving, dubiousness,


belief, predictability, probability, outwardness, certainty,

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