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dithyrambic Meaning in marathi ( dithyrambic शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


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dithyrambic मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

| आनंदीआनंद || मुकुंद टाकसाळे.

सरदेसाई यांनी निवडलेल्या मोडी कागदपत्रांच्या एक खंडात आनंदीबाई यांच्याबद्दलची अनेक कागदपत्रे छापली आहेत.

हे पाहून रमाई खूप आनंदी होते.

मन नेहमी आनंदी ठेवणे.

आनंदी आनंद गडे (बालसाहित्य).

झाल्यावर आनंदीबाई जेव्हा भारतात आल्यावर त्यांना कोल्हापूरमधील अल्बर्ट एडवर्ड हॉस्पिटलमधील स्त्री-कक्षाचा ताबा देण्यात आला.

त्यावर ‘आनंदी जोशी, एक तरुण हिंदू ब्राह्मणकन्या.

आनंदी जीवन जगण्यासाठी.

प्रथम रमाबाईंच्या प्रोत्साहनाने शारदासदनात आणि नंतर कर्वेच्या प्रोत्साहनामुळे हुजूरपागेत त्यांचे शिक्षण झाले तरी स्वतःच स्वतःला घडविण्याची खरी प्रक्रिया सुरू झाली ती सासुबाईंकडून मिळालेल्या आणि आनंदीबाईंनी कानात साठवून ठेवलेल्या जीवनशिक्षणातूनच.

आनंदीबाईंची दिनचर्या.

आनंदीबाई यांच्या जीवनाचा आढावा घेणारा "आनंदी गोपाळ" हा मराठी चित्रपट फेब्रुवारी २०१९मधे प्रदर्शित झाला.

अतुल पेठे : आनंदी गावचा गम्मतराव, दि ग्रेट गाढव सर्कस.

'हंस अकेला'ला महाराष्ट्र साहित्य परिषदेचे उत्कृष्ट कथासंग्रहासाठीचे आनंदीबाई शिर्के पारितोषिक (१९९७-९८).

dithyrambic's Usage Examples:

celebrating the spiritual love towards Laura, as his inspiration and muse, eroticizes and mutates elegiac tone into dithyrambic, and the central motif is no.

" He was one of the most important dithyrambic poets of ancient Greece.

In 1962 he developed his "dithyrambic painting" in Berlin and began the Mickey Mouse series and a year later.

Likymnios of Chios (Greek: Λικύμνιος, Latin: Licymnius) was an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet from Chios, probably born in the fourth century BC although this.

intimated by Xenophon, who makes Aristodemus give him first place among dithyrambic poets, alongside Homer, Sophocles, Polykleitos and Zeuxis, as the chief.

446 – 357 BC) was a Greek musician and dithyrambic poet, an exponent of the "new music.

By the word "tragedy" here we can understand only the old dithyrambic and satyrical tragôidia, into which it is possible that Epigenes may.

400 BC) was an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet who was also skillful as a painter; he seems to have been esteemed.

Philotas (Greek: Φιλώτας; lived 5th century BC) was an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet and musician, the disciple of Philoxenus of Cythera; he is considered.

450 – 390 BC) was an innovative dithyrambic poet (an exponent of the "new music") in classical Athens whose work has survived.

435/4 – 380/79 BC) was a Greek dithyrambic poet, an exponent of the "New Music.

several prominent ancient Greeks: Philoxenus of Cythera, an ancient Greek dithyrambic poet Philoxenus of Leucas, a legendary glutton King Philoxenus, an Indo-Greek.

" Apart from the "too much dithyrambic tone," Salata"s work is considered fundamental and a "very valuable exegesis.

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