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dieback Meaning in marathi ( dieback शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


कोवळ्या देठ हा वनस्पतींचा एक रोग आहे, ज्याची सुरुवात हळूहळू मृत्यूने चिन्हांकित केलेल्या टिपांपासून होते आणि मोठ्या फांद्या वाढतात.,

dieback's Usage Examples:

followed by splotchy mottling of the entire leaf, premature defoliation, dieback of twigs, decay of feeder rootlets and lateral roots, and decline in vigor.

Banksia is the water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi, commonly known as "dieback".

produces an infection which causes a condition in plants variously called "root rot", "dieback", or (in certain Castanea species), "ink disease".

tendency to occur as single-aged stands, and are subject to stand-level diebacks that have been variously attributed to elephants, water tables, and synchronous.

They feed underneath the bark of twig terminals, producing girdling wounds that cause twig dieback.

It causes rotting and dieback in most species it infects.

ecology but every time they cause an environmental disaster which results in diebacks and in the breakdown of the Ihrdizu civilization; the carpet whales exile.

1998, Earth is ravaged by ecological disasters such as algal blooms and diebacks on the brink of large scale extinctions.

common symptoms of yellowing of the veins and adjacent tissues; followed by splotchy mottling of the entire leaf, premature defoliation, dieback of twigs, decay.

protists include the organisms responsible for potato blight, eucalyptus dieback, sudden oak death, and blue mold.

degeneration (CVPD), citrus greening disease, yellow shoot disease, leaf mottle yellows in the Philippines, citrus dieback in India Causal agents Candidatus.

In contrast to most other Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to dieback from the soil-borne water.

Ash dieback is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus which was previously known.

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