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designedly Meaning in marathi ( designedly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

डिझाइन केलेले, स्वेच्छेने,


हेतुपुरस्सर, ठरल्याप्रमाणे,

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designedly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यातील १,०० कर्मचारी निवृत्त होउन किंवा स्वेच्छेने सोडून जातील असा अंदाज होता तर इतरांना निवृत्ती देण्यात येणार होती.

त्या सतत पुण्याच्या येरवडा येथील मानसिक रुग्णालयाला आणि मध्यवर्ती तुरुंगाला स्वेच्छेने भेट देऊ लागल्या.

प्रत्येक कुटुंबातील एकतरी पुरुष स्वेच्छेने लष्करात भरती होत आहेत.

काही सहयोगी सदस्य, विशेषत: जे प्रॅक्टिसमध्ये नाहीत, त्यांनी अनेकदा स्वेच्छेने विविध कारणांमुळे फेलो होण्यासाठी अर्ज न करणे निवडले.

ही प्राचीन प्रथा आहे ज्यात स्वेच्छेने खोल ध्यानाच्याअवस्थेत प्रवेश केल्यानंतर नश्वर शरीराचा त्याग केला जातो.

देशाच्या सर्वांगीण सुधारणेच्या सार्‍या चळवळींत पुढाकार घेणाऱ्या या थोर पुरुषाचा पुतळा जिजामाता बागेत उभारण्यासाठी लोकांनी स्वेच्छेने २५,००० रु जमविले होते.

आपल्या आश्रमाहून वेगळ्या धर्माला माणूस स्वेच्छेने धर्म मानतो, तो ’आभास’ होय.

कर रक्तदान हे एखाद्या व्यक्तीने स्वेच्छेने अंगातून रक्त काढून देण्याची क्रिया आहे.

झोपडपट्टीतील जीवन काय असते हे पूर्णतः समजून घेण्यासाठी ते तीन महिने स्वेच्छेने स्वतः झोपडपट्टीमध्ये वास्तव्यास होते.

नियोजित जोडीदारांनी स्वेच्छेने व पूर्ण संमती दिली असेल तरच विवाह करावा.

बालक स्वेच्छेने ज्या वस्तूस प्रथमतः हात लावील, ते पुढे त्याचे उपजीविकेचे साधन होईल, असे समजावे.

पतीने स्वेच्छेने समाधी स्वीकारल्यावर गंगाबाईनेही ४३ व्या दिवशी समाधी घेतली.

पहिल्या मानांकनात सुमारे 3500 संस्थांनी स्वेच्छेने सहभाग घेतला.

designedly's Usage Examples:

Above the circle of the Toul defences there are barrier forts on the Upper Meuse at Pagny (la-Blanche-Cote) and near Neufchâteau; but these last are practically in second line, and between Toul and Épinal the frontier districts are designedly left open.

Hsiao-yue (Tang Pao-yun) knows nothing about her real descent, which Lin has designedly disguised.

him, and I lift up my staff to defend myself, and, in lifting it up, undesignedly hit another who is behind me, an action lies by that person against me;.

Every person …who shall knowingly and designedly, by any false or fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other.

may have cost for their construction eighty pounds a piece, are built designedly and systematically with their backs to the marsh ditches; .

were not deceived, the Court found liability, stating: "The wrong was in designedly enabling the dealers to palm off the preparation as that of the respondent.

the performance of the band Queen as guest stars, Freddie Mercury sings designedly with the phone far from his mouth, revealing the playback.

story made laws and manners of more account than shadowy lawgivers, he undesignedly influenced history by popularizing that conception of it which lays stress.

partes decisae are sometimes of like use, but never when these parts were designedly omitted from a desire to extinguish their legal force or because they.

by Chiron: Acastus, son of Pelias, purified Peleus for having killed (undesignedly) his father-in-law Eurytion.

cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding.

The Athenians Project is Toronto"s designedly complete database of all "Persons of Ancient Athens".

"stylistic features—its meter and its use of refrain—mark "O Captain" as a designedly democratic and populist poem".


by choice, by design, on purpose, advisedly, purposely, deliberately, intentionally,


circumstantially, unexpectedly, by chance, accidentally, unintentionally,

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