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deconstructed Meaning in marathi ( deconstructed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कोणतीही औपचारिक संरचना बांधकाम जाकीट नाही,

deconstructed's Usage Examples:

Concepts of decorum, increasingly sensed as inhibitive and stultifying, were aggressively attacked and deconstructed by writers.

A "deconstructed" version of the song was also included in the live album And All That.

The Simpsons has room for its characters" signature misbehaviors to be deconstructed in a meaningful way.

The Austin American-Statesman mentioned how some songs only retained one feature of the original, such as the vocal track or guitar riff, and stated how the remixes were so radically deconstructed that the original can be difficult to recognize.

Concepts of decorum, increasingly sensed as inhibitive and stultifying, were aggressively attacked and deconstructed by writers of the Modernist.

A regular haircut, in Western fashion, is a men"s and boys" hairstyle that has hair long enough to comb on top, a defined or deconstructed side part,.

Stuart Monument is a partially deconstructed monument to Confederate general J.

As a training railway, it was often being constructed/deconstructed.

deconstructed, hand-embellished denim jeans, leather jackets, grungy flannel shirting and graphic tee-shirts.

The title although meaning treasurer can be deconstructed as "under[King]-treasury" - treasury as an old-fashioned adjective.

provides of this technique is the way some modern music incorporates deconstructed samples of older music and combines and arranges the samples in a new.

Their early sound was new wave-influenced, but is now more improvised and deconstructed, moving away from using the synthesizers that typify new wave.

The Matthew Fontaine Maury Monument, is a partially deconstructed memorial installed along Richmond, Virginia"s Monument Avenue depicting Matthew Fontaine.


rede, interpret,


persuade, spiritualize, literalize,

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