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decarbonizing Meaning in marathi ( decarbonizing शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

(इंजिनमधून कार्बन काढून टाकणे,


शिरच्छेद करणे,

decarbonizing's Usage Examples:

greatly increased heat and boiling commotion in the fluid mass and decarbonizing and refining the iron.

gave a "10 million grant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through decarbonizing and electrifying vehicles.

need for an “all-of-the-above” energy policy that advances the goal of decarbonizing the environment through all available means, specifically, nuclear power.

Gates thinks that decarbonizing electricity should be a priority, because it would not only reduce emissions.

In addition to decarbonizing energy use, the use of technologies like heat pumps can also increase.

Bessemer had patented a steelmaking process involving oxygen blowing for decarbonizing molten iron (UK Patent No.

Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) - Relaunched to accelerate progress on decarbonizing road transport.

three objectives: increasing the penetration of renewable generation, decarbonizing their electricity generation and improving network reliability and availability.

As President, Carlos Alvarado Quesasda has focused his efforts on decarbonizing Costa Rica"s economy.

No region is decarbonizing its energy supply.

hydrogen produced via electrolysis is used for power-to-x, storage, decarbonizing industrial uses, and hydrogen for fuel cell products.

"Shipping industry should consider nuclear option for decarbonizing: experts | S"P Global Platts".

Matt Bruenig offers a detailed roadmap to beginning the process of decarbonizing the United States economy.


decoke, take away, remove, take, withdraw, decarburize, decarbonise, decarburise,


fuse, saddle, lodge, burden, dock,

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