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cyclopes Meaning in marathi ( cyclopes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चक्रीवादळ, सायक्लोप्स,

फक्त सिल्क अँटीटर,

cyclopes मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हे आवरण/उष्णीश त्याला सायक्लोप्स याने टायटन्सविरुद्ध लढण्यासाठी बहाल केले होते.

cyclopes's Usage Examples:

Cyclopia (named after the Greek mythology character cyclopes) is the most extreme form of holoprosencephaly and is a congenital disorder (birth defect).

In Greek myths, Poseidon"s trident was forged by the cyclopes according to Pseudo-Apollodorus"s Bibliotheke.

cyclopes) is the most extreme form of holoprosencephaly and is a congenital disorder (birth defect) characterized by the failure of the embryonic prosencephalon.

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