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curriculum vitae Meaning in marathi ( curriculum vitae शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अभ्यासक्रम विटा, आयुष्यातील घटना,


आयुष्यातील घटना,

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curriculum vitae मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यात गाडगेबाबांच्या आयुष्यातील घटना, प्रसंग घेण्यात आलेले नाहीत.

या रात्री ईश्वर प्रत्येक माणसाच्या पुढील आयुष्यातील घटनांची नोंद करीत असतो अशी समजूत आहे.

त्यांना आपल्या आयुष्यातील घटनांच्या नोंदी ठेवण्याची सवय होती.

रमाबाईंनी स्वतःच्या आयुष्यातील घटना शब्दरूप करून मराठी वाङ्‌मयाला एक मोठी देणगी दिली आहे.

तपशिलात वर्णन असल्याने थेरवाद परंपरेतील महापरिनिब्बाण सुत्त बुद्धाच्या मृत्यूनंतर हजारो वर्षांनी लिहिले गेले असले तरी बुद्धाच्या आयुष्यातील घटनांसाठीचा तो अधिक विश्वासार्ह संदर्भ मानला जातो.

curriculum vitae's Usage Examples:

ReferencesCarl de Boor's curriculum vitaeY.

In English, a curriculum vitae (English: / .

"Defeats at the Hands of the Indomitable Gauls of Armorica", fearing it would besmirch the Roman leader"s curriculum vitae.

or a letter of motivation is a letter of introduction attached to or accompanying another document such as a résumé or a curriculum vitae.

It is sometimes recommended that such degrees be listed in one"s curriculum vitae (CV) as an award, and not in the education.

positions as "appointment" or similar in reliable sources such as their curriculum vitae.

The English plural of curriculum vitae is however almost always curricula vitae.

It has been suggested that this article be merged into curriculum vitae.

Job seekers frequently send a cover letter along with their curriculum vitae or applications for employment.

curriculum vitae (and its abbreviation CV) is also used especially in academia to refer to very extensive or even complete summaries of a person"s career.

Referencescurriculum vitae at the Australian National UniversityAustralian conservationists1945 birthsLiving peopleAlumni of University College, DurhamUnited Nations University faculty Banani is a village in Mali, populated by the Dogon people.

The curriculum vitae (CV) used for employment purposes in the UK (and in other European.

Its purpose is also to help all users create, with a simple wizard, a personal electronic portfolio containing a curriculum vitae (with motivation letter), a language passport or any other document bringing evidence of skills and qualifications (copies of degrees, work certificates, etc.


resume, summary, sum-up, CV,


discontinue, stay, prolix, official,

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