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crouch Meaning in marathi ( crouch शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

क्रॉच, जनावरासारखे जमिनीवर पडलेले,


खुशामत, खाली ठोका, नमन,

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crouching position

crouch मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कारण त्यांना असे वाटते की स्वामींनी त्यांच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष केले आहे आणि आता ते त्यांच्या संपत्तीमुळे राजमाची नेहमीच खुशामत करत आहेत.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेल्या ईडनने १९५६ सालचे सुवेझ संकट हाताळताना अनेक मोठ्या चुका केल्या व ब्रिटिश जनतेचा रोष ओढवून घेतला.

वरी खुशामत शाहण्याची परि मूर्खाची ती मैत्री नको.

शाऌ पहिल्या गणाच्या शाल्‌ (अर्थ खुशामत करणें) या धातूला पाणिनीने दिलेले नाव.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धापूर्वी ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरच्या खुशामतीच्या ठाम विरोधात असलेला मॅकमिलन त्याच्या धोरणी व दूरदृष्टी स्वभावासाठी ओळखला जात असे.

समाजाच्या खुळचट समजुतींची खुशामत केली आहे.

परंतु ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरची खुशामत केल्याच्या आरोपावरून त्याच्यावर टीकादेखील झाली आहे.

crouch's Usage Examples:

Geoffrey Keynes wrote about it: "Hecate, an infernal Trinity, crouches in the centre.

In the basement of this villa the skeleton of a man was found in a crouching position with his hands on his face no doubt surprised by the eruption.

Local Montagnard tribesmen call Ap Bia the mountain of the crouching beast.

The gold figures of stags in a crouching position with legs tucked beneath its body, head upright and muscles bunched.

among the negroes of The Bahamas of Yoruba descent, who talks of being hagged (cursed) and believe that nightmare is caused by a demon that crouches upon.

Hood's idle animation when crouching as one of her favorites, where butterflies would fly around her and a flower would eventually sprout.

In Jean Vernon's bronze medal from the 1930s, the supplicant cicada is depicted as crouching on a branch while the ant rears up below with its legs about a beechnut.

When birth is imminent, the female assumes a crouching position and may rise to a more erect position as each young is born.

achieved by its component parts, showcasing both suffering— in a figure that crouches folds unto itself— and an excess of reach in an overextended figure.

When a batter takes his/her turn to hit, the catcher crouches behind home plate, in front of the (home) umpire, and receives the ball.

) Items would flash briefly when a screen was first entered, and could be picked up when standing close to them, usually triggering a crouching animation that was also often employed when using the object.

includes the following:[citation needed] Clubbing The patient assuming a crouching position Cyanosis - bluish face, particularly the lips; and bluish fingers.

Other ritual practices place the body in a flexed position with the legs bent or crouched with the legs folded up to the chest.


squinch, bend, flex, stoop, cower, change posture, bow, huddle,


unbend, refrain, straighten, bend, sit down,

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