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criticising Meaning in marathi ( criticising शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

टीका करत आहे, कठोर टीका करतात, सरावासाठी, टीका करणे, दोषांचा निवाडा करणे, निंदा,

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criticising मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ही मालिका नेटफ्लिक्सची मूळ नेटफ्लिक्स रिलीझ आहे जी लोकांना नरकाची निंदा करण्यासाठी कोठेही दिसत नाही, ज्यामध्ये यू आह-इन, किम ह्यून-जू, पार्क जेओंग-मिन, वोन जिन-आह आणि यांग इक-जून अभिनीत आहेत.

स्तुतीही नव्हे आणि निंदाही नव्हे.

वंदावे कवानासी निंदावे कवनासी.

चोरी, आत्मस्तुती, परनिंदा, राग , घृणा हे सर्व न करणे, खोटे न बोलणे, परस्त्री, परधन यांची अभिलाषा न ठेवणे म्हणजे सदाचार.

कट्टर साम्यवादी विचारांच्या नेरुदाने स्टॅलिनच्या हुकुमशाहीची प्रसह्ंसा केली होती तसेच क्युबन क्षेपणास्त्र आणीबाणीच्या काळात व व्हियेतनाम युद्धादरम्यान अमेरिकेची यथेच्छ निंदा केली होती.

समानतेची गरज व्यक्त करत आणि भेदभावाची निंदा करत न्यायपालिकेने असे नमूद केले कि, "लैंगिक कलावर आधारित संरक्षण हा घटनेचा गाभा आहे व एल्.

'बो निंडो का (निंदायला चला).

🌍 केरी निंदा बदी चाडी जूगली मत करजो। – भावार्थः कोनाची निंदा चाडी चूगली लावा लावी करू नका.

गोरक्षनाथाचा या ग्रंथाविषयीं असा अभिप्राय आहे कीं, यास जो कोणी असल्या मानील किंवा त्याची निंदा करील तो विघ्नसंतोषी इहपरलोकीं सुखी न राहतां त्याचा निर्वश होऊन तो शेवटी नरकांत पडेल.

असा अमंगळ शिव तुला पती म्हणून मिळाला तर तुझे कसे होईल? " अशा प्रकारे बटुरूप घेऊन आलेल्या शिवाने स्वतःच स्वतःची निंदा केली.

दक्षिण आफ्रिकेच्या वर्णभेदी धोरणांची जगभरातून प्रचंड निंदा झाली व अनेक देशांनी दक्षिण आफ्रिकेसोबतचे सर्व संबंध तोडून टाकले.

त्याच्या समकालीन समिक्षकांनी त्याच्या नाटकातल्या साध्या, गबाळ्या नायकांबद्दल अन अकुलीन, चारित्र्यहीन नायिकांबद्दल त्याची निंदा केली.

criticising's Usage Examples:

Oleśnicki's own Anti-Jewish intolerance was manifested in his strongly criticising Casimir IV for reaffirming in 1453 the tolerant measures towards Jews enacted by Casimir III.

He was also told off for criticising The Bay City Rollers – then at the height of their popularity – on air, describing them as musical garbage.

Rowe had mixed beginnings as the co-host of Today with some viewers and commentators criticising her because of her dress-sense and her apparent over-happiness, citing her constant nervous laughter.

In 2006 he claimed that the BBC was frightened of criticising Islam.

IV of the Conics of Apollonius, as criticising Conon concerning the maximum number of points with which a conic section can meet another conic section.

Yagan glorifies and praises its subject highly by extremely kicking (satirising or criticising) any other things.

Even the Queensland president of the Lutheran Church, Bjelke-Petersen's denomination, more than once took his place alongside leaders of the other three major churches at press conferences, criticising actions or policies of the State Government.

As ever with Visconti, he is ambivalently drawn to the decadent society he is ostensibly criticising; and Armando.

Mair had also published letters criticising "white liberals and traitors" in South Africa who he described as "the.

The party, criticising what it described as insensitivity on the part of the government towards issues in Sabah, said that it was taking advantage of a unique window of opportunity for the sake of Sabah interests, including autonomy, return of Labuan and 20% of oil revenues.

In 1734 came four tracts of his attacking the common theory of inspiration, arguing that the resurrection of Christ was no proof of his divine mission and criticising the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.

criticising the interspersed narrative tracks, stating "It"s the superfluous wordage – the intrusive spoken monologues, the jury-rigged cybernoir narrative.

Iwasaki|italicno felt betrayed by Golden's use of information she considered confidential, and denounced the novel as being an inaccurate depiction of geisha life, criticising in particular the novel's portrayal of geisha engaging in mizuage (a deflowering ritual undergone by some apprentices) as a matter of fact when graduating to geisha status.


lambast, pick, nitpick, savage, harsh on, pick at, blame, reprehend, belabour, pass judgment, come down, round, criticize, knock, pillory, crucify, disparage, assault, pick apart, chew up, jaw, blast, censure, trounce, dress down, remark, attack, belittle, find fault, berate, rag, lash out, criminate, bawl out, reprove, scold, have words, notice, judge, rebuke, lambaste, reprimand, reproof, snipe, chide, assail, take to task, call down, denounce, comment, call on the carpet, point out, belabor, deplore, remonstrate, lecture, evaluate, chew out, admonish,


disapprove, reject, fail, flatter, praise,

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