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contempts Meaning in marathi ( contempts शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


आदराचा अभाव तीव्र नापसंतीच्या भावनांसह आहे,


अपमान, दुर्लक्ष करा, विजय, तुच्छता, द्वेष, अज्ञान, न्यायालयाचा अवमान,

contempts मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

देशाचे सार्वभौमत्व व एकात्मता, राष्ट्राची सुरक्षितता, इतर देशांशी असलेले मैत्रीचे संबंध, कायदा व सुव्यवस्था, नैतिकता, सभ्यता या कारणांसाठी तसेच व्यक्तीची बेअब्रू व न्यायालयाचा अवमान यांचा प्रतिबंध करण्यासाठी सरकारला या हक्कावर कायद्याने वाजवी मर्यादा घालता येतात.

उदाहरणार्थ, जर एखाद्या पक्षाने विद्यमान न्यायालयाच्या आदेशाचा अवमान केल्याबद्दल न्यायालयाला दुसरा पक्ष शोधण्याची विनंती केली, तर न्यायाधीश सामान्यत: न्यायालयाचा अवमान केल्याचा आरोप असलेल्या पक्षाला "कारणे पुन्हा अवमान दर्शविण्याचा आदेश" जारी करेल.

contempts's Usage Examples:

parliament (for the common law is a stranger to it, unless in the case of contempts) for the conviction of offenders, and the inflicting of certain penalties.

of an order or award; 29A (1) The Court has the same power to punish contempts of its power and authority, whether in relation to its judicial powers.

includes the power asserted by courts of record to deal brevi manu with contempts of court without the intervention of a jury.

Knowing it, Bhujangam Rao contempts him by pulling his shoulder cloth.

prerogative of the court, and "the requirement of a jury does not apply to "contempts committed in disobedience of any lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree.

High misdemeanor is an archaic term in English Law for a number of positive misprisions, neglects and contempts.

term in English Law for a number of positive misprisions, neglects and contempts In music: Misdemeanor (UFO album), by the British rock band UFO Misdemeanor.

where, as he noted, monarchs "had always exercised the power to pardon contempts of court", just like ordinary crimes; and, just as in the United States.

term in English Law for a number of positive misprisions, neglects and contempts.

However, the convictions were reversed on the ground that the contempts were civil but the lower court had treated them as criminal in nature.

section, which survives today as the Omnibus Clause, was added to punish contempts committed outside of the court, but only after indictment and trial by.

Pollard QC on the basis that Smale had not told Pollard what the alleged contempts were before convicting him.

money and was the colony"s first solicitor to be struck off, for multiple contempts due to bankruptcy in 1866.


despite, disdain, scorn, dislike,


liking, friendliness, approval, like, approve,

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