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consolation Meaning in marathi ( consolation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



आश्वासन, समजून घ्या, क्षमस्व, आत्मज्ञान, बदला, आराम, प्रतिबंध,

consolation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

माधवनाथ महाराजांनी त्यांचे सांत्वन केले व त्यांना धीर देत सांगितले की, आपण काही काळजी करू नका, आपण एक दत्ताची आणि एक गणपतीची मूर्ती तयार करा व त्यांची रोज पूजा करा.

मेघनाने माफी मागितल्याला प्रतिसाद न मिळाल्याने नाराज झालेले, सुरेशराव माधवीला - त्याची पत्नी - चिंताग्रस्त आजारी सोडून देवाच्या सल्ल्यानुसार सांत्वन मिळवण्यासाठी घरातून निघून जातात.

छंद, आनंद, सांत्वन किंवा विधी ,संगीत शिक्षणाचा भाग म्हणून किंवा व्यवसाय म्हणून हे हेतू असतात.

तिचे परोपरीने सांत्वन करू पाहणाऱ्या कृष्णाला तिने धुडकावून लावले.

तिचे वडील तिची सांत्वना करण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात, पण त्याचा फारसा उपयोग होत नाही.

🌍 आधुनिक जीवनशैली आणि सांत्वन देऊन आमिष बनू नका आणि शारीरिक कृतीत व्यस्त रहा.

मी माझ्या ध्येयासाठी प्राणाचा त्याग करत आहे याखेरीज दुसरे कोणते सांत्वन माझ्याकरता असू शकते?.

सम्राट आलमगीर दुसरा यांनी पेशवे येथे आपल्या छत्रपती घराण्याचे सांत्वन केले होते.

देवावरच्या विश्वासात माणसाला सांत्वन व बळकट राहावे लागते.

सुभाषबाबूंनी तिथे जाऊन पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरूंचे सांत्वन केले.

नंतर शुभ्रा स्तब्ध झालेल्या अभिजीत आणि रडणाऱ्या आसावरीला सांत्वन देते.

अनेक प्रसंगी ती सीतेला सांत्वन देते आणि बाहेरील जगाच्या बातम्या आणते; ती सीतेला आत्महत्या करण्यापासूनही परावृत्त करते.

सईबाईंचे निधन झाले तेव्हा माणकोजींनी जातीने महाराजांचे सांत्वन केले.

consolation's Usage Examples:

in wretchedness or still languish in captivity, may receive heavenly consolations and be granted at length that good fortune which they have been awaiting.

beginners the soul is often favored by God with what are called "sensible consolations" because they have their beginning and are felt chiefly in the senses.

Which also serves for our consolation, to see that the Devil does not tempt the men of God so long as he wills, but so long as Christ suffers.

The submitter is "awarded" with the consolation.

Andriessen’s consolation was the vice-presidency and the agriculture portfolio, Brussels' toughest.

However, Ireland conceded three goals in a 15-minute spell in the first half, and despite a late consolation goal, Ireland now needed to beat Northern Ireland in the last game to guarantee a place in the finals.

In tournaments where six places are awarded, the losers of the consolation semifinals would wrestle for fifth place, with the loser winning sixth place.

There is also a consolation prize for those who pick five winners correctly, divided amongst the number of tickets.

In speaking with Job, his intent was consolation, but he became an accuser, asking Job what he has done to deserve God's wrath.

Amsterdam Attendance: 28,113 Referee: Johannes Mutters (Netherlands) The consolation tournament was ratified by FIFA but, as it was not organized by the Amsterdam.

When the crisis he foresaw came, he had the consolation at least of knowing that his foundation at Bornem was beyond the grasp of the anti-Catholic reaction in England.

Speaking in 2012 about the concert, Yamaguchi said: I sang with hope that I could offer consolation to the Japanese-Americans, as I heard that they had gone through hardships during the war.

He lost 5–0 to Robert Thornton and 5–1 to Andy Hamilton at the Grand Slam of Darts, before a consolation 5–2 victory over Justin Pipe but Walsh was already resigned to finishing bottom of the group.


comfort, solace, silver lining, cold comfort, solacement, bright side,


embarrassment, low relief, high relief, increase, compression,

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