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connivance Meaning in marathi ( connivance शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सामंजस्य, फसवणुकीपेक्षा, दुर्लक्ष करा,


दुर्लक्ष करा, अप्रत्यक्ष संमती,

connivance मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या काळात स्वातंत्र्य युद्धाच्या काळात शिवाजीची काही मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे दुर्लक्ष करावी लागली कारण परिस्थिती पूर्णपणे बदलली होती.

कुक्कुट मांस आणि कुक्कुट उत्पादने मानवी आहारामध्ये वापरण्यासाठी पूर्णपणे सुरक्षित असून, नागरिकांनी अशाप्रकारे अफवांकडे दुर्लक्ष करावे अशा आशयाचे परिपत्रक महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या पशुसंवर्धन विभागाने काढले.

connivance's Usage Examples:

imprisoned, but after a few days he escaped thanks to the carelessness or connivance of some citizens and travelled around Calauria, Aegina and Troezen.

For about a month the Kurd and Turkish populations of Armenia has been massacring Armenians with the connivance and often assistance of Ottoman authorities.

Last yearsIn 1728 he escaped, probably with the connivance of the government, and made his way to Holland.

Muladi between 17 and 20 February 1950 by armed mobs with the active connivance of the Ansars and the police.

often consumed by poor or landless tillers, typically distilled with the connivance of officials and police officers, generating large profits.

Northumbria, who was murdered by Thurbrand the Hold in 1016 with the connivance of Cnut.

With the connivance of a crewman of a ship which made weekly trips between Manila and Hong.

but while being conducted to the frontier, he made his escape, with the connivance of the gendarmes who had him in charge, at the last station on French.

An account stated that Lenin dominated this group through his connivance with Taratuta, Manev, and Zinoviev.

Many years passed,slaves and outsiders that had settled in rebelled over the reign of the ruling clan chief in connivance with the younger brother of the ruling family.

Demosthenes was fined 50 talents and imprisoned, but after a few days he escaped thanks to the carelessness or connivance of some citizens and travelled around Calauria, Aegina and Troezen.

When the latter was murdered, possibly with al-Amir"s connivance, the caliph appointed al-Ma"mun al-Bata"ihi as vizier, but took an increasing.

her mother, Masistes" wife, as Amestris thought that it was due to her connivance.


cahoot, agreement, collusion,


criticism, content, incompatibility, disagreement,

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