conceded Meaning in marathi ( conceded शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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conceded मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
ह्या निवडणुकीत बहुमत मिळवून प्रचंड सत्तेवर आला परंतु केवळ एका वर्षातच त्याला राजीनामा देणे भाग पडले.
नक्षत्रांचे देणे : कुसुमाग्रज यांच्या कवितांवर आधारित कार्यक्रम.
एक दुरुस्त धातू आहे, त्याचे उत्पादनावरील परिणामांचे निरीक्षण करणे आणि नवीन तंत्रज्ञानाच्या विकासास प्रोत्साहन देणे महत्वाचे आहे.
जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांच्या आदेशानुसार गावातील शिधापत्रिकांची सूची तयार करणे व ती गावकऱ्यांना उपलब्ध करून देणे.
तरुण आणि प्रसिद्धिपराङ्मुख कलावंतांना संधी देणे हा त्यांचा त्यामागचा उद्देश होता.
मात्रा बस्ती देणे सोपे असते.
पण स्तनांच्या सौंदर्यवृधीसाठी प्रयत्न करताना एखादी गोष्ट आपल्याला शोभणे आणि ती समाजमान्य असणे याकडे लक्ष देणे महत्त्वाचे असते.
देशात शत्रूंना नांदू देणे हि भावी संकटाची नांदी ठरू शकते .
पण वेळेअभावी तहाच्या अटींना अंतिम रूप देणे त्यादिवशी शक्य झाले नाही.
प्रत्येक लिटर दुधापाठीमागे ३०० ते ४०० ग्राम पशुखाद्य, तर ५० ते १०० ग्राम क्षारमिश्रण देणे महत्त्वाचं आहे.
कामगारांचे हित जपत त्यांना सर्व बाबीने परिपूर्ण करून सुरक्षित ठेवणे हे आपले कर्तव्य समजून कामगारांना हक्काचे घर मिळवून देणे, विमा योजनेची माहिती देणे, इतर प्राथमिक सोयीसुविधा पुरवणे, आरोग्य व त्यांच्या मुलांचे शिक्षण या सर्व बाबी पुरवण्यासाठी देशाच्या व राज्याच्या कामगार विभागाने प्राधान्याने योजना बनवल्या व त्या यशस्वीपणे राबविल्या.
conceded's Usage Examples:
He followed this by taking five for 42 (five wickets taken and 42 runs conceded) against Surrey.
In the quarter-final at Derby, he was man of the match as a result of a 12 over spell which conceded only 13 runs; and he was again man of the match in the semi-final against Glamorgan, this time for an unchanged 12 over spell of 2/18.
Todd McCarthy from The Hollywood Reporter called it a dreary, lachrymose and incredibly poky tear-jerker but conceded it had a built in audience among those who put the book on the bestseller list.
On 19 June 2009, FC Bayern Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge conceded defeat in his club's attempt to sign Bosingwa, who remained at Stamford Bridge.
Chapter 24, Paragraph 17 But though matters were in this shape, they communed together, and Anicetus conceded the administration of the eucharist in.
points) scored in all league matches minus the number of goals or points conceded.
His only start under Solbakken came in a League Cup loss at Chelsea, during which the goalkeeper conceded six times.
Borten, the man nobody expected to get the job, conceded that he was selected as the new premier because members of the two largest parties of the anti-Socialist coalition, the Conservatives and the Liberals, did not trust each other and had considered him to be neutral.
Such a party would either have its demands conceded, or be forcibly ejected from Westminster, in which case the people united behind its single purpose would know how to enforce their will.
Brandeis's dissent begins by noting that the Government made no attempt to defend the methods employed by federal agents, and, in fact, conceded that if wiretapping could be deemed a search or seizure, such wiretapping as took place in this case would be unreasonable search and seizure and thus inadmissible in court.
He had earlier conceded the penalty that had put Wigan 1–0 up.
Most notably in injury time against Huddersfield Town after Leeds conceded a goal, where Telfer's lack of pace was badly exposed.
Both Verstappen and De La Rosa enjoyed driving the car, and both enthused about how fast it was, while Verstappen conceded that it was not at its.
fess up, own up, acknowledge, make a clean breast of, confess, profess, admit,
disagreement, disclaim, reject, expatriate, deny,