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closings Meaning in marathi ( closings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



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closings मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शेवटी चार नोव्हेंबर नव्याण्णवला वयाच्या अवघ्या एक्केचाळीसाव्या वर्षी तेंव्हा कसबसं पंचवीस किलो वजन भरेल असा नशिबापुढे हतबल झालेला बावीस यार्डातला टेरर माल्कम मार्शल शेवटचा आउट झाला.

यातून एक-एक करीत नावे गाळली जातात व शेवटी फक्त विजयी उमेदवार यादीत उरतात.

त्यांचे पहिले इमाम हजरत अली आहेत तर शेवटचे आणि बारावे इमाम महदी आहेत.

शेवटी दिवाळीनंतर गीताला भाऊ अमरावतीच्या शाळेत दाखल करून आले.

शेवटच्या ओळीत लक्ष्मणाने हा लेख लिहिल्याचा संदर्भ येतो.

शेवटी चंद्रगुप्ताने भारतीय राज्ये व आर्य चाणक्याच्या मदतीने नंद साम्राज्यावर आक्रमण करून इ.

आणि सरते शेवटी अमेरिकन अधिकाऱ्यास दाखवून त्याची फेरबदलास मंजुरी घेणे.

शेवटी सूर्य श्वेत बटूमध्ये रुपांतरित होईल.

टंडन यांनी शेवटी १९८३ साली स्वेच्छा निवृत्ती पत्करली.

ट्रॅंक्विलीटी हे आयएसएसवरील अमेरिकेचे तिसरे आणि शेवटचे नोड मोड्यूल आहे.

प्रथम भगवान श्री दत्तात्रय प्रभू यात्रा, नंतर हनुमान यात्रा, व शेवटी श्री भैरवनाथाची यात्रा होते.

शेवटचा कसोटी सामना देखील ते न्यूझीलंड विरुद्ध ७ ते १२ मार्च १९६८ ला ऑकलंड येथे खेळले.

तन्मे मन: शिवसंकल्पमस्तु | असे ध्रुवपद या सहाही मंत्रांच्या शेवटी आले आहे.

closings's Usage Examples:

The largest round of closings was in 2010; Shaw's announced in February that it would sell or close its 18 remaining Connecticut stores.

The ABC openings and closings of these telefilms were neither broadcast by other stations nor included on any home media release.

In February 2011, A"P announced thirty-two additional store closings, including three Long Island Waldbaum's: Farmingdale, Smithtown, and Valley Stream on April 15, 2011.

The first round of closings was announced in late August 2006, when Shaw's announced it would be closing six in October.

closings of restaurants meant that the closings failed to trigger business interruption insurance for many restaurants; other policies had clauses excluding.

Other closings include the auto parts manufacturing plant (where Red Forman was a supervisor), a local appliance and electronics store, Bargain Bob's (owned and operated by Bob Pinciotti), the local Foto Hut chain (owned by Leo), and the Forman " Son muffler and auto repair shop (itself built in a former local muffler business).

Automotive layoffsBoth Ford and GM announced layoffs and plant closings in late 2005 and early 2006.

The two prolonged closings of the London theatres due to plague, in 1625 and 1636"ndash;37, caused significant disruption in the acting profession, with companies breaking apart, combining and re-combining, and switching theatres, in a dizzying confusion.

" The following table contains complimentary closings as recommended for business hard-letter use by two American.

After the exploit gained national attention, many news stations, News 14 Carolina included, implemented or enhanced their verification and vetting processes for listing closings and delays as to avoid a repeat of the incident.

First, there is Mark the cousin of Barnabas, mentioned by Paul as a "fellow worker" in the closings of three Pauline epistles.

However, Shaw"s was beset by store closings almost yearly between 2006 and 2011 during its acquisition by SuperValu.

Amidst the closings, SuperValu remodeled and updated many Shaw's stores, which has continued under Albertsons ownership.


year-end, last, final, terminal, concluding, terminative,


monetization, tactlessness, skew, go, opening,

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