clerics Meaning in marathi ( clerics शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
मौलवी, ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू,
ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू,
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clerics मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
ह्या भाषेची रचना १८७९-१८८० दरम्यान जर्मन साम्राज्याच्या बाडेन येथील योहान मार्टिन श्लेयर ह्या ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूने केली.
आज जे इसवी सनाचे संवत्सर (ग्रेगोरियन कॅलेंडर) अंमलात आहे ते ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू आठवा पोप ग्रेगरी याने १५८२ साली तयार केले.
पेशाने ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू असलेला गाऊक पूर्व जर्मनीमधील एक कम्युनिस्टविरोधी चळवळवादी म्हणून प्रसिद्धीस आला.
त्यामुळे त्याच्यावर ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूंचा रोष झाला.
१६८८) हा इंग्लिश लेखक आणि ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू होता.
चार्ल्सने इंग्लंडमधल्या ख्रिश्चन धर्माच्या पालनात ढवळाढवळ करून ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूंना नाराज केले होते.
त्याने ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूंचे दांभिक स्वरूप उजेडात आणले.
ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूंनी त्याच्या धर्माविरोधी विचारांबद्दल त्याला देहान्त प्रायश्चित्ताची शिक्षा दिली.
१५४६) हे ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू, साधू, तत्त्वज्ञानी व धर्मसुधारक होते.
पुरुष चरित्रलेख बिशप हे ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूंमधील एक नियुक्त पद आहे.
ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरू ह्युगो दि फ्रीस यांनी अनुवंशशास्त्राचा विकास केला व अनुवंशशास्त्राचे प्राथमिक नियम शोधून काढले.
ख्रिश्चन धर्मगुरूसोबतच व्हॅटिकन सिटी ह्या सार्वभौम देशाच्या राष्ट्रप्रमुखाची जबाबदारी पोप सांभाळतो.
clerics's Usage Examples:
University halls and students' accommodation were raided and the inhabitants murdered; there were some reports of clerics being scalped.
In Iraq, while the title is not unknown, it is only used for clerics of Iranian origin.
The miracles" heroes are liars, thieves, adulterers, and fornicators, footloose students, pregnant nuns, unruly and lazy clerics.
He also treated those guilty or suspected of conspiring with Bernard harshly: Theodulf of Orleans was imprisoned, and died soon afterwards; the lay conspirators were blinded, the clerics deposed and imprisoned; all lost lands and honours.
Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin are likewise important clerics in their churches.
the minor orders and tonsure in 1972 by Paul VI, the seven penitential psalms were assigned to new clerics after having been tonsured.
The traditional practice of Mganga or medicine man, along with Muslim clerics offering services as divine healers, remains popular among the impoverished Zaramo communities.
less-Romanised areas of Gallia and Hispania, where they were "exposed to the depredations of the late Roman state, and the great landowners and clerics who were.
Many of these translations were in fact Bible glosses, prepared to assist clerics whose grasp of Latin was imperfect and circulated.
Unlike clerics, druids do.
Heading the list of surpliced clerics were the Reverends J.
When the Pope dies, his successor is chosen among several clerics throughout Europe.
Taoïst clerics, and limitless favour for her family, especially her two unrestrainedly venal brothers.
churchman, ordainer, ecclesiastic, pluralist, clergyman, divine, pardoner, man of the cloth, reverend,
earthly, inglorious, profane, laity, layman,