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clemency Meaning in marathi ( clemency शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

क्षमा, कोमलता, करुणा,


सहानुभूती, करुणा, विराम द्या, कोमलता, क्षमा,

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clemency मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विंदा करंदीकरांच्या कवितेत एकाच वेळी सामर्थ्य आणि सुकोमलता, विमुक्तपणा आणि संयम, अवखळपणा आणि मार्दव, गांभीर्य आणि मिस्किलपणा आणि प्रगाढ वैचारिकतेबरोबरच नाजुक भावसौंदर्य यांचा एकदम प्रत्यय येतो.

कोमलतेत प्रचंड सामर्थ्य असतं कोमलता म्हणजे दुर्बलता नव्हे .

स्त्रीसुलभ कोमलता व ऋजुता त्यांच्या सर्वच लेखनात जाणवते.

त्यांच्या लिखाणात स्पष्ट आणि प्रामाणिक विचारांबरोबरच कवी मनाची कोमलता आढळते.

प्रेमवात्सल्यता, कोमलता, सहनशीलता, करुणा, त्यागीवृत्ती, समर्पणता, सहिष्णुता, रसाळ, निर्भयता, प्रासादिकता आदी भावना भगवानबाबांच्या कीर्तनात प्रकर्षाने दिसून येत.

झी मराठी दूरचित्रवाहिनी मालिका विंदा करंदीकरांच्या कवितेत एकाच वेळी सामर्थ्य आणि सुकोमलता, विमुक्तपणा आणि संयम, अवखळपणा आणि मार्दव, गांभीर्य आणि मिस्किलपणा आणि प्रगाढ वैचारिकतेबरोबरच नाजुक भावसौंदर्य यांचा एकदम प्रत्यय येतो.

clemency's Usage Examples:

alley way, but, most of the time, the books and browsers, suffered the inclemency of the outdoor Philadelphia weather.

excepted, and, like that, it has a covering to shelter the workmen from the inclemency of the weather in all seasons.

Clinton was criticized for some of his presidential pardons and acts of executive clemency.

Nerone is impressed by Drusilla's fortitude, and in an act of clemency spares Ottone's life, ordering him banished.

lethal injection after extensive appeals for clemency and a four-week stay of execution were both rejected by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Clark, represented by Michael Cardozo, again applied for clemency, and in December 2016, Governor Andrew Cuomo commuted her sentence to 35 years to life.

Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant the executive clemency—that is, "pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution.

On October 11, 2018, during a luncheon with President Donald Trump, rapper Kanye West pled for clemency for Hoover.

Charles Colson was guilty of offering clemency to Hunt at Nixon's orders.

They have neither doors nor any protection from the inclemency of the weather, and the chill which they strike into the visitor gives.

inclemency of the weather and the food shortages of the northern climates.

He was executed on 22 February 1943, along with Hans and Sophie Scholl, despite asking for clemency during interrogation.

to death for the crime of high treason with a recommendation for executive clemency.


reprieve, mercy, re-sentencing, amnesty, free pardon, lenience, leniency, quarter, respite, mercifulness, commutation, pardon,


unpermissiveness, multiply, front, inhumaneness, mercilessness,

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