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civil service Meaning in marathi ( civil service शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

नागरी सेवा, सार्वजनिक सेवा,


सार्वजनिक सेवा,

civil service मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

याचबरोबर राज्यसरकारकडून स्थानिक स्वराज्य संस्थांना मालमत्ता कर व जकात कर वसूल करण्याचा, तसेच पाणी व स्वच्छतेच्या सोयींसारख्या सार्वजनिक सेवांसाठी किंमत वसूल करण्याचा अधिकार दिला गेला आहे.

त्यांनी गावातील गरीब लोकांवर लक्ष केंद्रित करून गुजरातमधील अधिक जिल्ह्यांपर्यंत सेल्फ-एम्प्लॉयड वुमन्स असोसिएशन ऑफ इंडिया (सेवा) संस्थेचा विस्तार वाढवून सार्वजनिक सेवा उपक्रमांची मालिका सुरू केली.

सामाजिक व सार्वजनिक सेवा कार्य करण्याचा प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव देणे.

तिने १९९९ मध्ये सार्वजनिक सेवा परीक्षा दिली.

आयकर विभाग (ITD) सेवोत्तम,[18] ची अंमलबजावणी करण्यात अग्रेसर आहे, जे भारतातील सार्वजनिक सेवा वितरणाच्या गुणवत्तेचे प्रमाणपत्र आहे.

सार्वजनिक सेवा म्हणजे ज्यासाठी समाज (राष्ट्र राज्य, वित्तीय संघ किंवा प्रदेश) संपूर्णपणे पैसे देतो.

त्यांच्या संशोधनानुसार स्त्रियांच्या प्रतिनिधित्वामुळे वंचित घटकांना योग्य प्रमाणात सार्वजनिक सेवा व सुविधा मिळाल्याचे लक्षात आले.

प्रशासकीय आणि सार्वजनिक सेवासुविधा .

civil service's Usage Examples:

Hee-jae"s longtime boyfriend is studying for the civil service exam, but her scrimping and saving for their future is beginning to take its toll on their relationship.

It makes direct recruitments to various civil services and departmental posts at state level.

Whenever he met and interviewed potential candidates to join the civil service, he did so in plain and simple buildings instead of in his office.

After the promotion of Chae Je-gong in 1788, Dasan took top place in the daegwa (higher civil service exam) in 1789 and was offered a position in the Office of Royal Decrees, together with 5 other members of the Southerner faction.

Sheppard was not unique in combining a civil service career with mathematical research; an almost exact contemporary was Thomas Little Heath, the historian of Greek mathematics, who went higher in the Civil Service and became much better known as an author.

Return to foreign service After the fall of Paris Schilling requested transfer from the Army back to civil service, and in October of the same year he returned to Foreign Affairs in Saint Petersburg.

labored for its spoils, he worked zealously for its betterment and with gratifying results, as the civil service reform plank, was adopted.

Civil service in the Indian subcontinent originated from the Imperial Civil Service which was the elite higher civil service of the British Empire in British India during British rule in the period between 1858 and 1947.

In 2007, it was announced that civil service salaries had lagged behind those in the private sector and required revision.

After working briefly for the civil service at Gwelo, he moved to a farm in the Bvumba Mountains near Umtali.

After rising through the civil service, Hochoy was appointed the first non-white Governor in the entire British Empire in 1960 (the first West Indian to be Governor).

For two day, 226 Brazilians gathered in Porto Alegre to deliberate career reform in civil service, before actions were passed.

At the age of thirty, however, Forssell, who had already shown remarkable business capacity, was called to Stockholm, where he filled one important post after another in the Swedish civil service.


bureaucracy, officialdom, civil servant, government officials, bureaucratism, Whitehall,


outlaw, disallow, criminalise, refuse, reject,

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