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cheaters Meaning in marathi ( cheaters शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फसवणूक करणारे, मुंग्या येणे,


मुंग्या येणे,

cheaters मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हाता-पायामध्ये मुंग्या येणे, कंप येणे,अवयव बधीर होणे, त्यांच्यात कळा येणे,.

एक किंवा दोन्ही हातात मुंग्या येणे.

cheaters's Usage Examples:

The SOCOM blog, set up by the Sony PlayStation team to give players a look at the making of the game, stated that this was meant to keep SOCOM cheaters away from the game.

In the early 20th century, they were also known as sun cheaters (cheaters then being an American slang term for glasses).

Windbreakers can also be called “windcheaters”.

Yet Washington has always been a town full of poseurs, arrivistes, fame-seekers, cheaters and camera hogs.

brother Tim into a journey through the taverns of London, among cheaters, bawds, and prostitutes.

6 6 "Love Rat and Proud" 28 August 2008 (2008-08-28) N/A The nation"s most outrageous womanisers, man-eaters and cheaters.

The race was an anonymous mass of plastic jackets and windcheaters.

In winter, dark blue school jumpers, jackets or windcheaters with the school logo are to be worn.

Myco-heterotrophy is considered a kind of cheating relationship and myco-heterotrophs are sometimes informally referred to as "mycorrhizal cheaters".

The lawsuit had been brought by two gamblers, Michael Russo and James Grosjean, claiming they had been improperly detained, labeled as cheaters and arrested, on the basis of information supplied by Griffin.

definition of friends and foes is as cheaters and non-cheaters, with non-cheaters also referred to as cooperators.

myco-heterotrophs are sometimes informally referred to as "mycorrhizal cheaters".


chiseller, sham, cheat, fake, liar, wangler, defrauder, faker, slyboots, beguiler, bluffer, double-crosser, nominal head, two-timer, traitor, utterer, hypocrite, dodger, peculator, offender, deceiver, forger, prevaricator, embezzler, strawman, front, steerer, defalcator, four-flusher, imitator, scammer, finagler, dissimulator, misleader, imposter, straw man, role player, dissembler, counterfeiter, decoy, sandbagger, slicker, phoney, chiseler, fox, shammer, wrongdoer, swindler, double-dealer, fortune hunter, pretender, charlatan, trickster, impersonator, pseud, grifter, mountebank, phony, figurehead, falsifier, gouger, obscurantist, fraud, pseudo, impostor, betrayer, front man,


follower, orient, good person, genuine, square shooter,

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