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charities Meaning in marathi ( charities शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

धर्मादाय संस्था, भीक मागणे, कृपया, सहिष्णुता, धर्मादाय, करुणा, उदार औदार्य, दान, जग प्रेम, परोपकार, दानधर्म, दयाळूपणाची कृती, दक्षिणेकडील, औदार्य,


भीक मागणे, सहिष्णुता, धर्मादाय, कृपया, करुणा, उदार औदार्य, दान, जग प्रेम, परोपकार, दानधर्म, दयाळूपणाची कृती, दक्षिणेकडील, औदार्य,

charities मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पहिल्यापासून कर्ण दानधर्म करीत असे.

, धर्मासाठी दान करणे म्हणजे दानधर्म होय.

दानधर्मापेक्षा दासोह महत्त्वाचा आहे.

माणसाच्या आयुष्यातील सगळ्यात मोठा दानधर्म म्हणजे रक्तदान.

या लेखांमध्ये महाराष्ट्राच्या आद्य राज्यकुल, त्यांचा पराक्रम, दानधर्माबद्दल माहिती आहे.

पारेख हा दानधर्मी व एतद्देशीयांना मदत करणारा असल्याने तो मृत असला तरी त्याची संपत्ती लुटली गेली नाही.

पितरांविषयी आदर बाळगणे, त्यांच्या नावे दानधर्म करणे व त्यांना संतोष होईल अशी कृत्ये करणे हे वंशजांचे कर्तव्य आहे, असे धर्मशास्त्र सांगते.

आराम करुन दावी शुरु दानधर्मास । देई खाने फकीरास ॥.

सत्कर्म करणे, सत्कथा ऐकणे, सत्पुरुषांची सेवा, संतदर्शन, दानधर्म इत्यादी गोष्टी चतुर्मासात अत्यंत कल्याण करणाऱ्या आहेत, असा समज आहे.

येथील एका लेखात सातवाहनांच्या पराक्रमाशिवाय त्यांनी इथे केलेले यज्ञ, दानधर्माचे उल्लेख आहेत.

charities's Usage Examples:

(2000, ), whose proceeds benefited several charities.

Forsyth led a programme of digital media initiatives across Media Trust's media training, news distribution, film and TV productions and Community Channel, the TV and online service for charities.

deadly pain pill habit)" September 28, 2013 52:00 America"s worst charities, defending leaks, a history of official secrecy, the VA"s pain pill habit,.

They established a sewing school for girls, raised funds for various charities, and sent delegates to national women's club conventions.

Al Roker said: In all of my years dealing with charities, I have never seen one as special as this.

Many excepted charities are religious charities.

provided online raffling technology to UK charities.

Social service and charity workThe school is involved in social service, working to raise money for various charities.

The players at this club support any number of local and national charities and good causes, either via financial support, giving up their own time or both.

Jackson was charitable and held benefits for numerous charities, once raising £114 for a Portuguese town destroyed by the French, and later £132 for the benefit of British prisoners in France.

local charities, in conjunction with volunteers from the community who do much of the labor of harvesting.

At the same time, she busies herself with numerous children"s charities, advocacy groups for single mothers.

And his private charities were known to equal his public spirit".


private foundation, philanthropic foundation, public charity, foundation,


disable, disinherit, stingy, overgarment, finish,

charities's Meaning in Other Sites