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chariot Meaning in marathi ( chariot शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

की व्हील कार खास आहेत, प्राचीन युद्ध रथ,


अक्ष, रथ, युद्धाचा रथ,

chariot's Usage Examples:

caught up with him, but was reluctant to face him until his charioteer chided him for cowardice.

Lacking a ladder, a small boy was lifted in to retrieve the item; he returned with a stone scarab and the yoke of a chariot in addition to the cane.

very attractive by glittering chariot, muthukkudas (multi coloured silk umbrellas), many types of vadyams and melams and followed by firework displays in.

first scene of Queen at harp and on couch before she goes to dais, two closeups of Queen on dais bending over, two full length views of Queen in chariot.

or in a chariot drawn by panthers, and may also be recognized by the thyrsus he carries.

The inhumations include chariot burials, or burials in square enclosures, or both; in contrast to continental inhumations the cemeteries were.

with seaweed, either enthroned beside Neptune or driving with him in a pearl shell chariot drawn by dolphins, sea-horses (hippocamps) or other fabulous.

in the singular (singular form: "sand"; plural form: "grains of sand") quadrigae ("four-horse chariot") should only be used in the plural the variant Calypsonem.

mainly the chariot races), gladiatorius ("gladiatorial") and scaenicus ("theatrical").

various texts as being a rowan chariot driven by two oxen with poles of electrum, sides of glass and equally bright by day and by night.

horses, originally part of a monument depicting a quadriga (a four-horse carriage used for chariot racing).

Maruts; supreme of falcons, be this fleet-winged Shyena, because, strong-pinioned, with no chariot to bear him, he brought to Manu the god-loved oblation.

Skinfaxi pulls Dagr"s chariot across the sky every day and his mane lights up the sky and earth below.


equipage, rig, carriage,


refrain, unfasten, gracefulness, awkwardness,

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