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charge Meaning in marathi ( charge शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शुल्क, आरोप करणे, जबाबदाऱ्या सोपवणे, विद्युत उर्जेने भरलेले, हल्ला,


सल्ला, समजून घेणे, देखरेख, गनपावडर, तक्रारी, किंमत, असाइनमेंट, लोड, ओतणे, खर्च, ऑर्डर करा, संरक्षण, जबाबदारी, कोट, हल्ला, झिम्मा,


मागवण्यासाठी, भरले, आरोप करणे, धीर धरा, गोळ्यांनी भरलेले, पोरा, सोपवणे, आज्ञा करणे, किंमत पकडा, तक्रार, हल्ला,

charge मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळ्या जादूचा अभ्यास केल्याचा आरोप करणे, त्याला नग्न करणे व तिचे नग्न करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीच्या क्रियाकलापांमध्ये अडथळा आणणे.

" आत्मज्ञानी मनुष्याकरिता मृत्यू असे काही नसतेच , मृत्यू हा प्रमाद आहे (प्रमाद म्हणजे बहुतेक जे नाही त्यावर आहे असा आरोप करणे.

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळा जादू करण्याचा किंवा सैतानचा अवतार असल्याचा आरोप, त्याच्यावर / तिच्यावर रोग किंवा दुर्दैवी कारणीभूत असल्याचा आरोप करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीला त्रास देणे.

उदाहरणार्थ - चकाकणाऱ्या शिंपल्यावर चांदीचा आरोप करणे किंवा लांब दोरीवर सर्पाचा आरोप करणे.

अध्यास म्हणजे एखाद्या वस्तूच्या गुणधर्मांचा दुसऱ्या वस्तूवर आरोप करणे.

charge's Usage Examples:

The negative charge of an ion is equal and opposite.

She takes charge of a school project that she, Peter, and Jimmy were assigned to work on together, and though the experience was stressful at times for all, their efforts are rewarded with an A.

The body of the text details the appearances of the accused, their swearings-in, the charges against them, and the modes of questioning to which they.

He claimed he had a ticket to the event, but was charged for resisting arrest and criminal trespassing.

In 2002, Montes pleaded guilty to the charge which could have carried the death penalty, but was sentenced to 25 years in prison in October of the same year after accepting a plea agreement with the US government.

she and one of her colleagues are eventually able to subdue him using tranquillizers and a powerful Taser charge, although as he collapses he recites some.

"100 fine and court costs in exchange for more serious charges of "open lewdness" being dropped.

The Warwick settlers were hauled off to face trial in Boston, but the charges had nothing to do with the sachems; instead, they.

307Bequipped with Wright Cyclone GR-1820-G105A engines with two-speed supercharger for improved high altitude performance; seven crew.

through ten bursts of female punk fury in 19 minutes, with Mish Way"s hungry yowl leading the charge.

Critics charged that Libera"s sets trivialize the Holocaust.

0L twin-turbocharged Panamera S and a new E-Hybrid model.

century a custodian ("custos") was put in charge of the church"s already seizable treasure.


onslaught, countercharge, attack, onset, onrush,


dullness, tasteful, refrain, stay in place, obviate,

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