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celt Meaning in marathi ( celt शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सेल्ट, आयरिश सारखी प्राचीन आर्य वंश, पश्चिम युरोपमधील वेल्स,

एकेकाळी ब्रिटन आणि स्पेनचे सदस्य असलेले युरोपियन आणि फ्रेंच लोकांनी रोमन संस्कृतीच्या काळापूर्वी कब्जा केला होता,


सेल्टिक लोक,

celt's Usage Examples:

(1989) Chant historique français et tradition orale bretonne (1994) La Bretagne et la Littérature orale en Europe (1995) La Nuit celtique (1996) Herri.

of a tapered column with a celtic cross at the top and the names of the dead on the base.


Three stone metates, one stone axe, one celt and fifteen [were found.

of ones that existed back then: beryllium/glucinium, niobium/columbium, lutecium/cassiopeium, hafnium/celtium, tungsten/wolfram, and protoactinium/brevium.

has, in 8 lines, 123 celtiberian characters engraved in the metal with a bradawl or similar, and which has 7 holes, perhaps in order to be held.

In archaeology, a celt /ˈsɛlt/ is a long, thin, prehistoric, stone or bronze tool similar to an adze, hoe, or axe.


artifacts - including arrowshaft straighteners, manos, hammerstones, celts, abraders and an adze.

Le calendrier celtique.

Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental.

Some of Hallstatt's oldest archaeological finds, such as a shoe-last celt – a long thin stone tool used to fell trees and to work wood – date back to around 5000 B.

fr/doc/ecelt_0373-1928_1953_num_6_2_1265Broëns, Maurice.

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