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catheterize Meaning in marathi ( catheterize शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कॅथेटराइज, लघवी करणे,


लघवी करणे,

catheterize's Usage Examples:

Patent showing method to catheterize venous tree in retrograde fashion.

assessed either from the PAOP (pulmonary artery occluded pressure) in a catheterized patient, or from EDI (end-diastolic index) by use of ultrasound.

Patients undergoing major surgery are often catheterized and may remain so for some time.

The urethra should not be catheterized.

His paralysis was such that Johnson was forced to catheterize himself multiple times every day to assist in his ability to urinate.

The patient should also be catheterized to test for and, if necessary, drain an over-distended bladder.

In 1958, for instance, he catheterized the aorta of a new-born infant directly following birth and developed.

determine the best way to catheterize ureters.

House catheterizes the patient and discovers his urine is tea-colored, indicating both blood.

Here, the vessel supplying the angiodysplasia is selectively catheterized and embolized with microparticles.

hospital however non-sterile technique may be appropriate in those who self catheterize.

vessels are identified supplying the tumor, these vessels are sequentially catheterized and treated beginning with the smallest particle and continuing until.

bag syndrome Purple urine bag syndrome usually presents as urine with a purplish discoloration accumulating in a catheterized person"s collection bag.


stick in, enclose, introduce, put in, inclose, catheterise, insert,


unsheathe, uncover, detach, unplug, phase out,

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