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cater for Meaning in marathi ( cater for शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

साठी कॅटर, अन्न पुरवणे, करमणूक करण्यासाठी,

cater for मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हम्मूराबीच्या आचारसंहितेनुसार एखाद्या स्त्रीने एखाद्या पुरुषाच्या मुलांना जन्म दिला तर अशा स्त्रीला अन्न पुरवणे ही त्या पुरुषाची जबाबदारी आहे, जेणेकरून ती स्त्री त्यांना वाढवू शकेल.

cater for's Usage Examples:

However, the local media do not have any Korean language programmes or newspapers to cater for them and many of the Koreans in Dongfeng have lost their Korean language skills even though there is a Korean language secondary school and a Korean church available to them.

The two new stations which were built for the airport's International and Domestic Terminals, feature larger lifts and wider ticket barriers to cater for passengers with baggage.

Rover's stated intention was to cater for a wider field of motorists requiring varying degrees of performance and running costs.

Rover's stated intention was to cater for a wider field of motorists who require a quality car with varying degrees of economical running costs and performance.

SchoolsThere are three Primary Schools in Yagoona:Yagoona Public SchoolChrist the King Catholic SchoolAl Sadiq College is an Alawite Muslim School (Kindergarten and Years 1 to 4) that was recently built close to Yagoona's Town Centre, at 178 Cooper Road, to cater for the growing Alawite population.

Joseph"s College, Gregory Terrace and insufficient room to house them that a new school be opened to cater for the boarders.

2008 – Major renovation of the Mannix campus to cater for more classes.

opened two new music channels, Hayat Folk to cater for Bosnian folk music, and Hayat Music to cater for 50% English music, and 50% local pop music.

Both schools have a Resourced Provision which cater for children with moderate learning difficulties.

The church was expanded in 1887 to cater for a growing number of worshippers.

Al Kauthar started with 60 pupils in 1996 and now has the capacity to cater for up to 450 students.

Cloth swap can be specialized - they can cater for example for clothes swaps only for high end brands.


catty-corner, cata-cornered, catercorner, oblique, kitty-corner, catty-cornered, kitty-cornered, catacorner,


perpendicular, parallel, divergent, convergent, vertical,

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