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cataphracts Meaning in marathi ( cataphracts शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


परिधान करणार्‍याच्या संपूर्ण शरीराचे रक्षण करणारे चिलखत,

cataphracts's Usage Examples:

also involves a vicious white cat, a war elephant, a military archive, cataphracts and several references to public toilets including "the event which would.

By contrast, the one thousand heavily armored Parthian cataphracts rode barded horses and carried long heavy lances (kontos), the reach and power of which.

with the Xianbei tribes of Inner Mongolia and Liaoning, which led to the readoption of cataphracts en masse by Chinese armies during the Jin dynasty (266–420).

The Romans adopted elaborate defensive armor from Persia, coats of mail, cuirasses, casques and greaves of steel for tagma of elite heavy cavalrymen called cataphracts, who were armed with bow and arrows as well as sword and lance.

two big advantages at his disposal: first was the superiority of his cataphracts, and the second was the extreme heat the Romans were not adapted to.

Roman legions, its strength was in its cavalry, especially the armoured cataphracts, which evolved from the clibanarii of the late empire.

Eumenes then charged with his cavalry before the cataphracts could properly reorganize.

commanded the elite cataphracts of the Seleucid army and seized Tel Hamra, a foothill of Mount Hermon, in the night.

the command of the pushtigban-salar ; in battle they fought mostly as cataphracts, heavily armed and armoured horsemen who would charge enemy positions.

shooting volleys of arrows, while the cataphracts, supported by lancers on dromedaries, charged the Roman front.

However, he decided against this at the last moment when he realized that the Armenian cataphracts posed the greatest threat to his men, ordering instead a diversionary attack with his Gallic and Thracian cavalry against the cataphracts.

Lucullus charged downhill with his cohorts and his orders soon proved decisive: the lumbering cataphracts were caught by surprise and, in their attempts to break free from their attackers, careered into the ranks of their own men as the lines began to collapse.

Another regiment of horse that was similarly armed to the cataphracts was the Nisian cavalry (Nisaioi),.


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