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cassock Meaning in marathi ( cassock शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कॅसॉक, अलखिला, चड्डी, पुजारी उंच आहेत,



cassock's Usage Examples:

color is used to represent the Catholic church and its priests in black cassocks.

A cardinal wears a scarlet cassock with scarlet trim, pectoral cross on a red and gold cord, and a red mozzetta over the rochet, with a red zucchetto.

mozzetta, which is only worn over a cassock and sometimes other choral vestments, represents the hierarchical rank of the person wearing it.

From 1688, the cassocks were replaced by smaller soubrevestes.

It is usually worn over a cassock and never alone, nor is it ever gathered by a belt or cincture.

to a higher rank) which is worn with either the cassock or liturgical vestments.

covered by a scapular and cowl, with a hood for monks or friars and a veil for nuns; in apostolic orders it may be a distinctive form of cassock for men, or.

(For instance, the priest presiding at a solemn celebration of Vespers in the Liturgy of the Hours might wear cope and stole over choir dress, while other clergy present would wear simple choir dress of cassock and surplice).

the order of priests called the White Fathers, so named for their white cassocks and red fezzes.

dominant religion also began to wear the clerical collar rather than the soutane or cassock.

During the paschal season, both monastic and married clergy will often wear a white inner cassock.

Preaching bands (an alternative name for tabs) are also worn by Anglican clergy, particularly on occasions such as inductions when choir dress of cassock, surplice, preaching scarf and the academic hood pertaining to degree is worn, as well as at Mattins and Evensong.

Bishops wear the above-mentioned purple cassock with scarlet piping, and add a pectoral cross suspended from a green and gold cord, a mozzetta over the rochet, and a purple zucchetto under the biretta.


vestment, soutane,

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