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cash in one's chips Meaning in marathi ( cash in one's chips शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

एखाद्याच्या चिप्समध्ये रोख


एखाद्याची चिप रोख असते,


go bad, pass away, drown, fail, break, starve, die, pass, give-up the ghost, famish, go, fall, choke, give out, kick the bucket, buy it, succumb, exit, decease, abort, asphyxiate, perish, change state, stifle, pop off, buy the farm, give way, predecease, croak, snuff it, suffocate, break down, conk, conk out, turn, expire, drop dead, yield, pip out,


be born, survive, function, stay, begin,

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