carrying Meaning in marathi ( carrying शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
धरून, वाहून नेणे, आगमन, संवहन, कारण, प्रकार,
वाहून नेणे,
पोझ, घेणे, विस्तृत करा, प्राप्त करण्यासाठी, जप्त करा, प्रसार, गरोदर राहा, पोचवणे, वाहून नेणे, आगमन, कारण, लट्टया, प्रकट करणे, समाविष्ट करणे, ओढा, बहा, वितरीत करण्यासाठी, चालू ठेवले, वागणे, सहन करणे,
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carrying मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
हा गोवंश खास करून कष्टाच्या कामासाठी, ओझे वाहून नेणे व तत्सम अवजड कामांसाठी वापरला जातो.
जखमी सैनिकांना उपचार देण्यासाठी स्ट्रेचरवरून वाहून नेणे ही या तुकडीची जबाबदारी होती.
गर्भाची वाढ होण्याकरिता आवश्यक असलेली पोषकद्रव्ये, ऑक्सिजन, संप्रेरके इत्यादी घटकांचा पुरवठा करणे, गर्भाच्या चयापचयातून उत्पन्न झालेले कार्बन डाय-ऑक्साइड, यूरिया इत्यादी टाकाऊ पदार्थ वाहून नेणे ही महत्त्वाची कार्ये नाळेमार्फत घडत असतात.
घोडेस्वारांस अधिक शस्त्रास्त्रे व चिलखते वाहून नेणे तसेच वेगांत कूच करणे सोपे असल्यामूळे पायदळापेक्षा घोडदळाची कार्यक्षमता जास्त असते.
फुप्फुसातील वायुकोशापासून ते शरीरातील प्रत्येक पेशीपर्यंत ऑक्सिजन वाहून नेणे तसेच चयापचयाच्या दरम्यान तयार होणारा कार्बनडायऑक्साईड पुन्हा फुप्फुसापर्यंत नेण्याचे कार्य अविरतपणे ‘हिमोग्लोबिन’ हे प्रथिन करत असते.
पाण्याचा उपयोग घरगूती कामासाठी, बागकाम व शेती, बाष्पशक्ती व जलविद्युत् शक्ती [→जलविद्युत् केंद्र] यांची निर्मिती, विविध प्रकारचे उद्योगधंदे, आगनिवारण, मूलमूत्र व औद्योगिक अपशिष्ट (टाकाऊ द्रव्ये) वाहून नेणे इ.
carrying's Usage Examples:
fitted over a pack saddle used for packing gear on a horse or other pack animal (often, a mule or donkey) rather than for carrying a rider.
It was declared an officially preserved railway in 1992, carrying about 40,000 passengers per year at the time.
policy, or amendment regulating the ownership, possession, carrying, legal transfer, lawful transportation, modification, registration, or licensing of.
intercepted Russian soldiers carrying mailbags, and then forced the soldiers back to the ship along with the mailbags.
of based on HMS Lyme, "with such alterations as may tend to the better stowing of men and carrying for guns.
The current from the transmitter is delivered to the mast through a feedline, a specialized cable (transmission line) for carrying radio frequency current.
In a second British act of aggression, Admiral Edward Boscawen fired on the French ship Alcide in a naval action on June 8, 1755, capturing her and two troop ships carrying some of those troops.
In the High Mass form of Tridentine Mass, the subdeacon uses a humeral veil when carrying the chalice, paten, or other sacred.
conditions of the country: the Burundian people usually eat homemade food, from homemade vessels also used for drinking, carrying water and storing grain.
The executive is tasked with carrying out the directives voted by the Council.
The bridge is one of two installations of a new cable-stayed cradle system that eliminates anchorages in the pylon by carrying the stays from anchorages in the bridge deck, through the pylon and back to anchorages in the deck.
By the third day of the strike, Cleveland Indians owner Richard Jacobs directed that all souvenirs being sold at the Indians' gift shop carrying the words inaugural season at Jacobs Field be sold at half price.
return, fly, transport, bear, port, pack, cart, lug, shoulder, move, chariot, tote, bucket, displace, haul, bring, porter, tug, take, pipe in, convey,
disallow, right, starboard, decompress, disarrange,