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cafe Meaning in marathi ( cafe शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कॅफे, कॉफी शॉप, उपहारगृह,


कॉफी हाऊस आणि चहा,

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cafe मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हे कॉफी शॉप आहे आणि येथे चहा / कॉफी मिळते आणि अल्पोपहार पूर्ण दिवस मीळतो.

"स्टारबक्स कॉफी—ए टाटा अलायन्स" म्हणून ब्रँड केलेल्या कॉफी शॉप्सना टाटा कॉफ़ी, टाटा कंझ्युमर प्रॉडक्ट्स लिमिटेडची उपकंपनी कडून कॉफी बीन्स मिळतात.

रूमबाहेरील से्वांत २४ तास खुला असलेला स्वागत कक्ष, जिम, बार, अल्पोपहार, वाहनतळ, कॉफी शॉप, व्यवसाय केंद्र, LCD/प्रोजेक्टर, बॉडी ट्रीटमेंट, पोहण्याचा तलाव या सेवाही आहेत.

cafe's Usage Examples:

She began her career hosting various award shows and special programs, including Acafest, Premios TVyNovelas and Fiesta Mexicana.

The IncidentDuring the yearly Loop Student Fair campus event where student groups setup exhibits in the school's cafeteria, Klocek approached the exhibit maintained by Students for Justice in Palestine.

More than serving merely as the House cafeteria, the Dining Hall is the center of House activity.

It contains a multi-level library, a cafe and the Year 12 area.

eateries ranging from a tea room, Parisian cafe, Irish pub, Thai restaurant, creperie, ice cream, and more.

Romantic moon strolls, barbeques and open air restaurants and cafes have made Sliema the hub of social.

With the help of the chief of police, the duo get off the hook, and Stefan takes his bar exam only to walk out at the last minute to pursue his lifelong dream of owning a cafe on a beach.

De saluberrima potione cahue, seu cafe nuncupata discursus Fausti Naironi Banesii Maronitae, linguae Chaldaicae, seu Syriacae in.

The Real Academia Española does not consider either behaviour as irregular, but illustrates each with six regular models, one for each possible diphthong in the infinitive: anunciar, averiguar, bailar, causar, peinar and adeudar for diphthong-keeping verbs and enviar, actuar, aislar, aunar, descafeinar and rehusar for diphthong-breaking ones.

Restaurant and cafes Macquarie Park has a wide variety of restaurants and cafes and is known as a major dining destination in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney.

the local populace, an Italian cafe proprietor, a few Senussi Arabs in burnouses, and three German prisoners of war make history by dancing "a one hundred.

Entering the cafe, literary scene (her Stammtisch was at Cafe Herrenhof), she met Peter Altenberg, Elizabeth Bergner, Franz Werfel, Albert Ehrenstein—and her first husband, Gerhart Eisler.

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