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businesses Meaning in marathi ( businesses शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उद्देश, औद्योगिक आस्थापना, गरज आहे, व्यस्त, शिष्यवृत्ती, उल्लेखनीय मुद्दे, व्यवसाय, कर्तव्य, विषय, रोजगार, व्यापार, केतन, कृती, जबाबदारी,


उद्देश, गरज आहे, व्यस्त, उल्लेखनीय मुद्दे, शिष्यवृत्ती, विषय, व्यवसाय, व्यापार, कर्तव्य, कृती, केतन, रोजगार, औद्योगिक आस्थापना, जबाबदारी,

businesses मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शेती हा या गावातील प्रमुख व्यवसाय आहे .

वाघाचा लिलाव करून त्याची हाडे विक्रीचा व्यवसाय केला जातो.

दुग्धव्यवसाय, बकरीपालन, कुक्कुटपालन सुद्धा केले जाते.

यांसारख्या अनेक नवीन व्यवसायांची सुरूवात केली आहे.

नृत्य व गायन शिकविणे अथवा नवीन गेशा तयार करणे, हे व्यवसायही त्या करतात.

गेल्या दोन दशकांत येथे पर्यटन व्यवसाय वाढीला लागला आहे.

अंतराळ संशोधन न्हावी म्हणजे बहुतेकदा पुरुषांचे केशवपन, केशकर्तन, श्मश्रू (दाढी) करणे, केशभूषा, केशसज्जा इत्यादीचा व्यवसाय करणारी व्यक्ती असते.

हा व्यवसाय सुरू केल्यास कमी भांडवल, कमी मनुष्यबळ, सोपे तंत्र आणि भरपूर नफा असे या व्यवसायाचे सूत्र आहे.

गावचा मुख्य व्यवसाय शेती आहे.

३) काल्पनिक संपत्ती (इंग्लिश : Fictitious Asset) - ही संपत्ती दृश्य स्वरुपात दाखवता येत नाही किंवा हिची खरेदी विक्री करता येत नाही पण या संपत्तीच्या निर्माणासाठी व्यवसायाला खर्च करावा लागलेला असतो.

व्यवसायिक प्रकाशनाच्या प्रकारात फोर्ब्जचे फोर्च्युन आणि ब्लूमबर्ग बिझनेस वीक हे दोन प्रमुख स्पर्धक आहेत.

कलम २० - सदर कायद्याच्या कलम २० नुसार वेश्या व्यवसाय करणारी महिलेस नोटीस देऊन.

businesses's Usage Examples:

Also businesses involved in whale watching have more recently used the bay.

The property was subdivided, and became private residences and businesses.

End features an unofficial "town" of red-tiled roof homes and businesses dotting a rolling coastline that overlooks Pillsbury Sound and the island of St.

In January 2007, John Menzies merged its newspaper and magazine wholesale distribution businesses in Northern Ireland into a joint venture with Eason " Son, to be called EM News Distribution.

The use of SEM strategic tools for businesses such as tourism can attract potential consumers to view their products, but it could also pose various challenges.

It contains a tin tabernacle church and a brick built chapel, two pubs, a few B"B"s and various other businesses.

district had a population of around 100 and businesses consisted of six laundries, four grocers and two restaurants.

In the present day various light industrial businesses are situated in the Florence Road Business Park area of the village.

In contrast, unincorporated businesses or persons working on their own are usually not as protected.

With this development, many other businesses shut down and many residents moved away.

its distinguishing feature is that individuals, not just businesses, can accrue capital gains through everyday acquisition and disposal of assets.

first businesses to emerge in the area were a casting house and an alum boilery (Alaunstraße gets its name from the German word for alum).

But if English law determined title, then Macmillan had an arguable case that the banks had constructive notice of Robert Maxwell's fraud on the grounds they ought to have known he was engaging in fraud when he caused the shares to be mortgaged for the benefit of loans to his private businesses.


concern, firm, maker, business firm, manufacturing business, enterprise, division, common carrier, business concern, manufacturer, underperformer, shipbuilder, brokerage, processor, agency, business organization, franchise, partnership, house, carrier, chain, business organisation, dealership,


anterior, marginality, posteriority, inner, outwardness,

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