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busboys Meaning in marathi ( busboys शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


एक रेस्टॉरंट वेटर जो टेबल सेट करतो आणि वेटरला मदत करतो आणि गलिच्छ पदार्थ काढून टाकतो,

busboys's Usage Examples:

The jimmies that Marge throws at the busboys are all variations of the character design that was used for the Squeaky Voiced Teen since the series' inception.

The company employs men and women as cooks, hosts (at some franchises), busboys, and managers.

Mike Myers the character of Steve Rubell makes comments to his busboys that bad busboys "go to Xenon.

"actresses of varying importance" as hostesses and 75 ""name" actors" as busboys.


restaurant attendant, waiter's assistant, dining-room attendant,



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