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bout Meaning in marathi ( bout शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चढाओढ, सामर्थ्य चाचणी,


उत्सव, प्रसंग, वळण, स्टेज, पॉइंट, खेप,

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bout मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पुरुष चरित्रलेख लाठमार होली हा भारत देशाच्या उत्तर प्रदेश राज्यात साजरा होणारा होळी उत्सव आहे.

सर्व कष्टकरी समाजातील मुली आणि स्त्रिया या उत्सवात भाग घेतात.

पुण्यातील गणेश विसर्जन उत्सव १२१ वर्षाचा.

काळभैरव भेंडोळी उत्सव.

गाव-पाड्यावरील प्रत्येक कुटुंबातील किमान एका व्यक्तीला या उत्सवात सहभाग घ्यायला लागतो.

२००७ पासून किराणा घराण्याच्या ज्येष्ठ गायिका प्रभा अत्रे यांच्या गायनाने उत्सवाची सांगता होते.

अमेरिकेतल्या शिकागोत असलेले थाई उपासक थाई पद्धतीप्रमाणे हा नववर्षाचा उत्सव साजरा करतात.

उत्सवात मूर्ती भंग झाल्यास लगेच विर्सजन करावे.

महाराष्ट्रातील सण आणि उत्सव अनंत माने (जन्म: सप्टेंबर २२ १९१५- अज्ञात) हे मराठी चित्रपटसृष्टीतील दिग्दर्शक होते.

त्याबरोबर निजामाच्या आक्रमणामुळे धर्म, देवांचे उत्सव बंद पडले होते.

बंगाल, बिहार, ओरिसा, आसाम,उत्तर प्रदेश या प्रांतांत दुर्गापूजेचा उत्सव मोठ्या प्रमाणावर केला जातो.

तर अन्य बौद्ध सण व उत्सव नेपाळ व भूतानसारख्या देशात साजरे केले जातात.

या भागात काम करणाऱ्या बांधकाम मजुरांच्या स्त्रियांनी आनंदासाठी तसेच उत्सव प्रसंगी हे नृत्य करण्यास सुरुवात केली.

bout's Usage Examples:

Hook and Eye The Talk of the Town (previous title The Noble Art), about a fusty old solicitor who is hypnotised into competing in a boxing tournament.

– Hotel "Alte Torschenke"; building with mansard roof with gables set slantwise, about 1910 Burgfrieden 3 – former Electoral-Trier courthouse; two three-floor.

endometrial cups around the 36th day of gestation, peaking around day 60, and decreasing after about 120 days of gestation.

ProductionThe production team wanted the episode to be about trash, and show runner Mike Scully pitched the idea that Homer should run for office.

a May 1, 2004 article about the Michael Jackson trial, before running a redact five days later noting that he was a character.

Political scandals and Orange RevolutionIn 2001 Ukrainian historian and politician Dmytro Chobit published a book Nartsiss (Narcissus) about Viktor Medvedchuk where he claimed that Medvedchuk is connected with Russian special services.

Modern powwows came about after the armistice of World War 1, when Native American veterans.

Its wood-engraved images of stonemasons and sculptors, enlarged twenty times to life-size, mirror today's passengers going about their day's work.

In the 1970s there were about five or six visible protrusions, but by 1989, only two were visible.

When it fledges, about six to seven weeks after hatching, it can sometimes weigh more than.

The carabinieri who finish the training period cited, about 30 percent of the initial candidates, are admitted to the 45-week course divided into a Basic Course of 18 weeks (exceeded by more than 50 percent of candidates) and to a 27-week Specialized Course.

The gristmill was built about.

In other words, the tasks were those of a menial servant, while Satsvarupa das Goswami was excited about it.


period of play, top of the inning, bottom, play, top, section, part, division, playing period, round, bottom of the inning, turn,


freeze, thin, get well, top, bottom,

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