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boundaries Meaning in marathi ( boundaries शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सीमा, शेवट, चार: मर्यादा, मर्यादा,


सीमा, चार: मर्यादा, शेवट, मर्यादा,

boundaries मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आंबील ओढ्याची सुरूवात कात्रज तलावापासून होते पेशव्यांच्या कारकीर्दीत आंबील ओढा ही पुण्याची पश्चिमेकडील सीमा समजली जाई.

मिलिंदने भारतात आपल्या राज्य सीमांच्या विस्तारासोबतच प्रशासनला स्थायित्व प्रदान केले.

म्हणूनच, भारतीय सीमा कालपाणीजवळ नदीच्या मध्यभागी सोडते आणि त्यात सामील नवणाऱ्या नाल्यांचा उंच पाण्याचा प्रवाह पाळतात.

सातारा जिल्ह्यातील फलटण आणि माण तालुक्याच्या सीमारेषेवरून सह्याद्रीची महादेव रांग धावते.

ह्या कायद्याद्वारे भारताच्या विविध प्रांतांच्या सीमा ह्या भाषेच्या आधारावर निश्चित करण्यात आल्या, आणि तसा बदल भारतीय संविधानात देखील करून घेण्यात आला.

सीमा देव : जीवा सखा -१९८९; जेता -२०१२; दोस्त असावा तर असा -१९७८; या सुखांनो या -१९७५; सर्जा -१९८७.

या तारकासमूहाच्या सीमा विषुवांश १३ता ४९.

भोवडे गावाच्या पूर्वेला किरबेट गाव व आंबा घाट, दक्षिणेला विशाळगड, नैर्ऋत्येस माचाळचे पठार, पश्चिमेला मुचकुंद ऋषींची प्रसिद्ध गुहा, गावच्या वायव्य दिशेला कोचरी, उत्तरेला भडकंबा व ईशान्य दिशेला मुर्शी या गावांची सीमा लाभली आहे.

सीमावर्ती भागात नियोजित विकासाची हमी.

सीमा व्यवस्थापन विभाग, किनारी सीमांसह सीमांचे व्यवस्थापन करतो.

या आंतरराष्ट्रीय जर्नलमध्ये असीमा साहू यांनी Muslim Women and Gender Justice in India: An Analysis of Muslim Women Act of 1986 या विषयावरील लेख प्रसिद्ध केलेला आहे.

प्राची साठे यांच्या ‘जीवन-मृत्यूच्या सीमारेषेवरून’ या पुस्तकाला महाराष्ट्र शासनाचा ‘र.

boundaries's Usage Examples:

also an additional three parliament seats in Sabah following the 2003 delineation of electoral boundaries.

crust, where they accommodate the lateral offset between segments of divergent boundaries, forming a zigzag pattern.

So in 1854 the school moved outside the parish boundaries of St Mark's into neighbouring Kilburn.

The show features professional nanny Emma Jenner whose basic approach instills manners, encourages boundaries and discipline.

Although they are sometimes colloquially referred to as dialects or regional languages, they are almost all distributed in a continuum across the regions' administrative boundaries, and speakers from one locale within a single region are typically aware of the features distinguishing their own variety from one of the other places nearby.

Transcending the boundaries of provincialism, ethnicity and languages, Sarathi encourages people from all communities.

the drafting of constituency boundaries, and an unsuccessful attempt to randomise the order of candidates on ballot papers (owing to a preponderance of.

Others blur the boundaries, being more mobile and efficient in passing: they are commonly referred to as deep-lying.

During development, Dave Hawkins, CEO, said, We're extremely excited and honoured to become a part of the massive success story that is Dancing With The Stars and our partnership with the BBC has resulted in a game that will break new boundaries in Match 3.

Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries (or faults).

peoples to pursue manumission; however, this manumission could be connoted in the boundaries of a closed slave system in which manumission does not equate.

approach that there are fixed boundaries but that they are necessarily unknowable.

Today it is represented by the Transcona city ward, represented by a member of Winnipeg City Council, and, with much larger boundaries including large areas that were part of the Municipality of North Kildonan, much of the area west of Plessis, the Transcona neighbourhood cluster.


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descend, outside, inside, natural object, uncover,

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