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bounce Meaning in marathi ( bounce शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उसळी, वर उडी मार,


अभिमान, झेप, पूर्ण खोटे, बढाई मारणे, मूक-आवाज,


अतिशयोक्ती, सरळ परत या, ब्रॅग, अचानक प्रवेश करणे, त्याचे निराकरण करा, चालता हो, अचानक उडी मारली, बढाई मारणे,

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bounce मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अचानक झालेल्या कल्लोळात बूथने लिंकन यांच्या सहकाऱ्यावर चाकूने वार केला आणि गॅलरीतून व्यासपीठावर उडी मारली.

जोपर्यंत सर्व खेळाडूंनी उडी मारली नाही तोपर्यंत सर्व खेळाडूंनी बाकावर उडी मारावी.

त्यानंतर या गुगल टीमनं आपल्या आवरणातून बाहेर येऊन ठराविक हालचाल करुन मॅस्कॉन सेंटरच्या छतावर उडी मारली.

मांजर आपल्या उंचीच्या तिनपट उंचीवर उडी मारून सुरक्षित अवस्थेत परत जमिनीवर येतात.

यात कमीत कमी तीन खेळाडू आणि जास्तीत जास्त १० खेळाडूंचा समावेश असतो आणि त्यामध्ये बाका किंवा "गाय" नावाच्या व्यक्तीवर उडी मारणे समाविष्ट असते.

स्पाय बँडवॅगनवर उडी मारून, इतर लेखकांनी देखील पुरुष नायक असलेल्या इतर कादंबर्‍यांच्या तुलनेत, अधिक ग्राफिक अ‍ॅक्शन आणि सेक्स असलेल्या द बॅरोनेस सारख्या स्त्री हेरांना नायक म्हणून वैशिष्ट्यीकृत केलेल्या गुप्तचर कथांबद्दल लिहायला सुरुवात केली.

बाकावर उडी मारण्याचा पहिला सेट पूर्ण झाल्यावर, बाका वादक बाका वादकावर उडी मारल्यानंतर हळूहळू वर येईल.

स्की जंपिंगमध्ये स्कीपटू तीव्र उतारावरुन घसरत खाली येतो वर शेवटी असलेल्या छोट्या चढावरून उंच किंवा लांबवर उडी मारतो.

उदाहरणार्थ, मिस युनिव्हर्स २०१६ मध्ये ८० उमेदवार होते, पुढचे वर्ष, संख्या ९२ वर उडी मारली.

bounce's Usage Examples:

move to decriminalise cheque-bounce offence".

Beach handball is a team sport where two teams pass and bounce or roll a ball, trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team.

Little-Middle-Big - As with Right Height, the player must listen to vocal cues from the Bop It! Bounce calling for bounces of big height, middle height, or little height.

It is a newer wedge and so is one of the least standardized as to its purpose and thus its design, but lofts for gap wedges are centered on 52° and have a moderate amount of bounce.

Finally on his 13th attempt, Cessna got a glimpse of hope as his aircraft bounced up into the air for a short time before crashing into the trees as he attempted to turn it.

each bounce, the system tends to return to its equilibrium position, but overshoots it.

gladly "bounce on a spring" like the aforementioned toy (but isn"t so thrilled to do it without reciprocation).

I didn't really know what to do for her because I didn't hear nothing else that was on the album, but I just felt like she didn't have that bounce on her album.

Instead, the only source of gravitational waves on cosmic wavelength scales are so-called “secondary gravitational waves” that are produced long after the bounce with amplitudes that are far too weak to be found in current detectors but ultimately detectable.

Groundstroke: Forehand or backhand shot that is executed after the ball bounces once on the court.

were like eighty different colors—and they bounced off the floors and hit the ceiling," Sampedro later recalled.

ControversiesIn September 2009, while in Brisbane, Australia for the Parklife Festival, Lady Sovereign was arrested for assault and drunk and disorderly behaviour after spitting on a nightclub bouncer.

Daphne Blake, along with Fred Jones, starts running a successful television series, Velma Dinkley owns a book store, and Shaggy Rogers and his dog Scooby-Doo bounce around jobs when their hunger inevitably gets them fired.


kick, rebound, reverberate, recoil, kick back, jump, resile, take a hop, bound off, skip, spring, leap, bound, ricochet, carom,


allow, permit, include, let, communicate,

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