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bough Meaning in marathi ( bough शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शाखा, झाडाच्या फांद्या,


कडधान्ये, झाडाच्या फांद्या, झाडाची फांदी,

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bough मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अर्थात : मोखा झाडाच्या फांद्या जाळून, त्यांची राख वेत जाळून केलेल्या राखेत मिसळावी .

झाडाच्या फांद्या जमिनीपासून १२ फूट उंचीवर असाव्यात.

झाडाच्या फांद्यांच्यामध्ये घरटे बांधतो.

पाणथळ जागेवर झाडाच्या फांद्यांवर, पानांच्या खालच्या पृष्ठभागावर एका वेळी शेकड्यांनी अंडी चिकटवतात.

अर्थात : ज्या झाडाच्या फांद्या जमिनीकडे झुकलेल्या असतात किंवा जमिनीकडे झुकलेल्या झाडांच्या फांद्यांची पान पिवळी पडलेली असतात त्या फाद्यांच्या बरोबर खाली तीन पुरुष खोदल्यावर पाणी लागते.

या देवरायांत विविध प्रकारची शैवाले, भूछत्रे, कवकवर्गी नेच्यांचे अनेकविध नमुने, ओंबळसारखी अनावृत्तबीजी महावेल, आणि अनेक पुष्पवंत वनस्पती, झाडाच्या फांद्यांवर वाढणारी सुगंधी ऑर्किड्‌स असू शकतात.

या झाडाच्या फांद्यांवर एकत्रित चकचकीत हिरव्या रंगाची पाने येतात.

या छोट्या झाडाच्या फांद्यांवर लाल –पिवळ्या रंगाची फुले येतात.

भिंती बनवण्यासाठी, झाडाच्या फांद्या, माती.

पोलिस तसा प्रयत्न करत होते, पण त्यांच्या वाटा दगड आणि झाडाच्या फांद्या आडव्या टाकून अडवण्यात आल्या होत्या.

bough's Usage Examples:

every night, persuade men to spend at least 40 cents every time they bought a round, and to lure guys to the Marlborough Hotel.

During the 13th century, some of them bought homes that neighbored each other.

Likely in frustration, Howard bought land at Welwyn to house the second garden city in 1919.

He bought depreciated rentes and had them raised to their nominal value by the treasury; he extorted.

Later, in a Rolls-Royce he bought on his fortieth birthday, he drove from Bombay to Saint Tropez via Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey.

English Partnerships, which merged with the Homes and Communities Agency in 2008, bought the site in 2000.

Michigan Athletics, under Brandon's leadership, raised student season ticket prices amid a slump in student attendance nationally, which drew scrutiny from student government officials after roughly a third fewer students bought season tickets.

pantry has a large oven while the adjoining kitchen has an iron stove with hotplates, bought in the 1870s to replace an open fire.

Out of necessity, Philomenus bought two oxen, invented the wagon or plough, and supported.

In 1946 the Department of Defence bought three British corvettes for a bargain price and the Long Éireannach (LÉ) Cliona, LÉ Maev and LÉ Macha, were the.

On April 7, 2014, Sankaty Advisors, an arm of the private equity firm Bain Capital, bought the company from a group that included the investment firm Harbinger.

In Jaffa he joined the Pioneers of Jewish Settlement Committee or Halutzey Yesud HaMaala which eventually bought the land for Rishon Le Zion from Tzvi Leventine.


tree branch, limb,

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