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bottling Meaning in marathi ( bottling शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बाटली भरणे, बाटलीबंद,


बाटलीबंद वाइन, काचेचा कप, बाटली,



bottling मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कॅफे क्यूबा एक बाटलीबंद क्यूबान कॉफी आहे, काहीस बाटलीबंद एस्प्रेसो सारखे.

पदार्थ : बाटलीबंद वेगवेगळ्या फळांची पेये, डबाबंद फळांच्या फोडी इत्यादी.

या कंपनीने शीतपेयांपासून सुरूवात केली आणि नंतर बाटलीबंद पाणी (१९९३) प्लास्टिक पॅकेजिंग (१९९६) आणि मिठाई (२००७) अशा विविध क्षेत्रात काम पसरवले.

बाटलीबंद पाण्यात कीटकनाशके असल्याने ते पाणी प्यायला अयोग्य आहे असा अभ्यास त्यांनी सीएसईच्या प्रयोगशाळेत केला.

काही कालानंतर बीआयएसने बाटलीबंद पिण्याच्या पाण्याची मानके बदलली आणि नियम अधिक कडक केले.

२०१५ च्या सुरुवातीला, त्याला द टिव्हीट शोवर जिमी फॉलनसह देखील दिसले आणि त्याला पुन्हा प्राप्त होणारे पाणी किंवा बाटलीबंद पाणी यातील फरक शोधता यावा म्हणून त्याला आव्हान दिले.

bottling's Usage Examples:

such as Beaujolais nouveau, the period between picking and bottling can be less than six weeks.

designs for Coca-Cola bottling plants, including one located in Tifton Residential Historic District: The 1937 Tifton Coca-Cola Bottling Plant is located at.

com explains that, "bottling facilities differ in the types of bottling lines they operate and the types of products they.

By 1989, having successfully overseen the merger of the bottling interests of Coca-Cola UK and Schweppes, she was appointed commercial director.

In 2013, Murree Brewery opened a franchise in India to a Bangalore-based entrepreneur, allowing the brewing, bottling and marketing of the beer in India.

Delhi itself has over 100 single-room bottling units.

Nestlé, however, stated that its plans to sell the water bottling business was already in the planning stages in 2019.

dehydration, freezing, vacuum packing, canning, bottling, pickling and jellying.

Manischewitz produces special Kosher for Passover bottling of its wines, which are sweetened with cane sugar as opposed to the corn syrup that is used throughout the year.

BottlingsKilchoman releases several bottlings.

bottling truck collided with the school bus, causing the latter to enter a caliche pit filled with water.

Manufacturers normally filter and pasteurize their product prior to bottling, destroying the live bacterial and yeast.

A bottling company is a commercial enterprise whose output is the bottling of beverages for distribution.


demijohn, jug, specimen bottle, vessel, pill bottle, whiskey bottle, crewet, catsup bottle, smelling bottle, carafe, decanter, soda bottle, mouth, vial, ampoule, beer bottle, ink bottle, ampule, inkpot, calabash, phial, pop bottle, wine bottle, bottlecap, flask, carboy, gourd, cruet, ketchup bottle, ampul, water bottle,


free, specify, close up, shout, whisper,

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