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boredom Meaning in marathi ( boredom शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कंटाळवाणेपणा, त्रास देणे,


नैराश्य, उदासीनता, कंटाळवाणेपणा,

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boredom मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यामध्ये पाऊस ; नद्यांमध्ये बेडरोक वेअर; समुद्र आणि लाटा द्वारे किनारपट्टीवरील धूप; हिमवर्षाव तोडणे, घर्षण करणे आणि त्रास देणे; क्षेत्रीय पूर; वारा घर्षण; भूजल प्रक्रिया; आणि भूस्खलन आणि मोडतोड वाहण्यासारख्या इ.

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळा जादू करण्याचा किंवा सैतानचा अवतार असल्याचा आरोप, त्याच्यावर / तिच्यावर रोग किंवा दुर्दैवी कारणीभूत असल्याचा आरोप करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीला त्रास देणे.

रात्रीचे वेळीसुद्धा छोटे हल्ले करत त्रास देणे सुरू ठेवले, तरीही चिकाटीने इंग्रज फौज खंडाळ्याला आली.

जातीय भावनेतून शारीरिक इजा करणे, त्रास देणे, अपमान करणे.

सुखीलालाच्या मुलीला त्रास देणे त्याच्या नित्याच्या टवाळकीचा भाग असतो.

ती पुढे म्हणाली: "पुरुषांनी तिला खुप त्रास दिला, लैंगिक त्रास देणे, तिचे केस ओढणे, तिला स्पर्श करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

आझाद दस्त्यातील सदस्यांच्या कुटुंबीयांना मारहाण, अटक करणे, त्रास देणे सुरू केले.

boredom's Usage Examples:

Stephen as an "anodyne against boredom", allowing her "a few rather schoolgirlish kisses".

I feel the record hasn"t done justice to the boredom and inanity of those party political speeches.

behavior with adults, in which case it is generally done jovially, out of boredom.

gaming industry due to boredom, creative frustration, and increasing despondence about the future of the specialist gaming industry.

To ease Peach's boredom, Amanda gets another ferret, who is named Edwin after the hero of a romance novel.

Similarly, the goofball or stoic character reacts with dull surprise, dignified disdain, boredom.

virtue-respect and vice-respect, birth and death, happiness, safety, comfort, restlessness and boredom, affection and bereavement or infatuation, attachment and.

overworking, stress, lack of exercise, improper nutrition, boredom, or a symptom of an illness or a disorder.

When Nameless reprogrammed Steelhead, his villainous grandfather turned almost completely into a robot, into being Lothar, the mindwiped servant, Tonto took him as his personal assistant, each day telling him stories from the Metabaron's lore, both to please his ego and to quell his boredom.

events of 1940, peacetime lives of boredom and frivolity give way to a sense of purpose and solidarity.

distaste, disgust, disbelief, exasperation, boredom, anger, joy, respect or disrespect, sympathy, pity, gratitude, wonder, admiration, humility, and awe are.

models would remember that "the boredom of the sitting sessions was recompensed by the pleasure of wearing the elegant lace dress".

The French term for boredom, ennui, is sometimes used in English as well, at least since 1778.


blahs, dissatisfaction, ennui, tedium, fatigue,


glee, contentment, recuperate, refresh, satisfaction,

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