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boost Meaning in marathi ( boost शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

चालना, सुधारत आहे,


प्रोत्साहन, सपोर्ट, अनुमोदन, सुधारणा, चेहऱ्यावर ढकलणे, मदत करा,


सुधारण्यास मदत करण्यासाठी, जाहिरात करणे, पुढे ढकलत आहे,

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boost मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१९९७ पासून सर्च इंजिन तयार करणारे वेबमास्टर्स यांचे सर्च इंजिनशी खूप जवळचे नाते असून त्यांच्यामुळेच दर्जा दिवसेंदिवस सुधारत आहे.

गेल्या काही दशकांपासून वर्झाव्यामधील वाहतूक सुविधा वेगाने सुधारत आहेत.

देवीला वाटते की महिंलासाठी विशेष लीग सुरू झाल्यामुळे आता देशातील परिस्थिती सुधारत आहे.

ते वस्तू आणि सेवांचे गुणवत्ता-किंमत-गुणोत्तर सुधारत आहेत आणि वाढत्या आणि अधिक कार्यक्षम बाजार उत्पादनातून किंवा एकूण उत्पादनातून उत्पन्न वाढवत आहेत जे GDP वाढविण्यात मदत करतात.

boost's Usage Examples:

KLVE also uses a 100-watt booster station in Santa Clarita, KLVE-FM1 on 107.

with a boost to 10,000 watts full-time.

The original motivation behind the ultraboost was to consider the gravitational field of massless point particles within general relativity.

5 tonnes, with full reusability of the boost stage, and Falcon Heavy will do satellites up to 7 tonnes with full reusability of the all three boost.

Unlike the more powerful Know Nothing movement of the 1850s, the APA did not establish its own independent political party, but rather sought to exert influence by boosting its supporters in campaigns and at political conventions, particularly those of the Republican Party.

"Quora finally introduces full-text search to boost content discovery".

8"nbsp;L V6 gained MIVEC variable valve timing to boost power to .

Rocket engines burning cryogenic propellants remain in use today on high performance upper stages and boosters.

Fighter Destiny 2 made improvements upon its predecessor, boosting the FPS to 60, and adding graphic and audio enhancements.

To accommodate the growing demand of transport, the creek is being looked forward to be used as a waterway to boost inland water and cargo transport.

Dirksen was outspokenly anti-Semitic, boosted that he never had any Jewish friends or joined any social clubs that admitted Jews, and said that liked the company of only Aryans.

Roseanne's own writing talents are given a boost when her family fixes up a basement room to serve as a writer's den.


encouragement, morale booster, help, morale building, assist, assistance, aid,


nonworker, despair, dishearten, biological, discourage,

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