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bluish gray Meaning in marathi ( bluish gray शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निळसर राखाडी


निळसर राखाडी,

bluish gray's Usage Examples:

bluish gray eyes and a somewhat sallow complexion, but which inclined to ruddiness upon exercise or from blushing, a habit he was much given to from excessive.

The gnatcatchers are mainly soft bluish gray in color and have the typical insectivore"s.

and rings, and a central circle of white-margined black spots, on a bluish gray background.

granules are evenly scattered through the dermis, producing a blue, or bluish gray skin color by the scattering phenomenon.

The ground colour of the wings is bluish gray.

is the smallest species of shearwater and is black and white with a bluish gray beak and blue tarsi.

The specific epithet caesius is the Latin for "bluish gray".

bill is brownish gray, with darker upper mandible and pale bluish gray tomial edge and lower mandible.


bluish-grey, blue-gray, blue-grey, achromatic, neutral,


chromatic, colorful, subjective, reactive, positive,

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